Quest Journey (1)

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Percy Jackson POV-

"So where is the underworld?" Annabeth asked as we got out of Argus van.

"At a place called DOA record studio in Los Angeles." I answered

"That's on the other side of the country!" Grover said

"Let get going. It's going to take a while to get there, and we need to get to the bus." Annabeth said

"Oh Grover, you should wear these. I can't enter the sky because of Zues, but you should be fine. You're also the only one without a magic item." I handed Grover the box of flying shoes that Luke gave me.

"Really! Thanks, Percy." Grover said with a smile as he replaced his shoes with he flying shoes.

We then started to search for a bus.


"Alright, passengers, we will be taking a break as the bus needs to be refueled. The bus will continue departing in 30 minutes." The bus driver said as everyone started to get out and enter a building that Annabeth said is called a gas station.

"I'm going to get us some food." Annabeth said

"I'll go with you." I said as i stood up, wanting to get away from the bus bathroom as it smelled terrible.

"No, it's already dangerous enough that one demigod is going. We can't have you coming too because your smell is stronger than mine as you're a child of the big three and Lady Artemis." Annabeth said.

"Fine." I grumbled. I knew she was right, so I sat back down. Annabeth left, and I was talking to Grover about nature. "Oh wow, such a suprise." You might think. Well, sue me.

After what felt like forever, Annabeth returned, and so did the bus driver. "Alright, passengers, we will he departing now." The driver said after he made sure everyone was on board again. We started to continue driving.

"What did you get?" Grover asked as Annabeth sat down.

"I got us some waters, candies, and sandwiches, and yes, Grover, I got you a salad." Annabeth said.

"Thanks, Annabeth." Grover and I said as I took a sandwich, and Grover took the salad.

After a while, I finally caved into Annabeth and Grover, pestering me to try the candy. It wasn't bad, but now I'm bouncing on the spot. If ADHD wasn't enough now, I got way too much energy and am basically shaking.

"Percy, stop throwing your pen sword!" Annabeth scolded me.

"What, I'm bored, and you shouldn't have given me that candy. My sisters learned that the hard way." I didn't sleep all night and went running in the wood hunting monsters all night. And I was only given two Malvabon. My sister Isabella said it was her favorite candy from her culture.

(AN- that is my favorite candy. It's a mexican candy. A marshmallow covers in chocolate with a red gummy, 10/10 recomend if you ever visit)


We were about to enter a long tunnel, but we made a stop right at the entrance of it. I found it weird until I noticed why. The Furies entered the bus.

"Oh crap." I muttered.

"What?" Annabeth asked as she looked up from her architecture book.

"The kindly ones are here." I discretely pointed at the three old ladies who entered.

"What do we do?" Grover said. "We've only had to deal with a few hellhounds here and there, but the kindly ones!" Grover said a bit panicked.

"We fight, of course." I said I held Anaklusmos in pen form tightly. "They'll strike soon." I whispered. "Wise girl, got a plan?" I asked.

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