Chapter 5.

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Avayan left his office angrily and after some time he reached old mansion. Avayan used to imprison his hunts at two places, one was his old mansion and the other was his cottage built in the forest. He would keep his victims at both these places and also torture them here.

Within some time, Avayan came inside the mansion and reached a secret basement built in the mansion.

Where those two people were tied to the ceiling and hung upside down.

Avayan came and sat on his chair and Vipul went and stood behind him.

Avayan asked his gaurds to take them down. When guards got his signal, they brought them down and made them sit in front of Avayan.

Their condition was very bad, they was not even able to sit properly. Avayan looked at them angrily and said, "You people do not have much time..., so open your mouth and tell, on whose order you people attacked me, on 'Avayan Singh Rathore".

Both of them did not say anything and just sat with their necks bowed, Avayan stood up angrily and went to them, pointed his gun at them and said, "The more you waste my time, the more dreadful will be your death."

Hearing this, they got scared and started looking at each other. One of the men gestured no to the other, as if saying, whatever happens, don't open your mouth.

Avayan saw all this and an evil smirked formed on his lips, he sat near them and said, "wow pretty loyal you are but what is the use, he will not come to save you on whose order you did all this".

Despite Avayan saying, they were not opening their mouths, seeing which even he was surprised.

Then after some time, Avayan looked at Vipul and said, "Hang them back like that and keep putting their heads in water and yes, these two should not die until I say so".

Saying this, Avayan left from there, while his guards tied both of them to the ceiling, hung them and placed water drums below and started immersing their heads in water again and again.

The condition of both of them had gradually worsened and they were not even able to breathe but still they were not ready to say anything.

Rathore Mansion,

Kaki had slowly fed Nitya a little food, due to which Nitya was now feeling much better. Kaki placed her hand on her head and said, "You take rest now, okay." Saying this, kaki left from there and Nitya lies down to sleep there. She fell asleep within some time due to the medicines.

After some time, when she was sleeping deeply at night, suddenly she started seeing in her dreams the same things that had happened to her in the past days.

Vikas and Sudha Ji were beating her and she was crying and shouting, "Leave me... leave me". Nitya was completely drenched in sweat and was shivering even in her sleep.

Then she saw Sudha Ji coming near her, who mercilessly cut her tongue. As soon as Nitya saw this, she lost her sleep due to fear.

She was so scared that she could not even breathe. She quickly got up and hid under the bed.

She was so scared that she had forgotten that Sudha Ji and Vikas were not here and she had come far away from them.

She was sitting under the bed and was still trembling with fear and had closed her eyes. It seemed to her that she was still in the same dark room of the basement, she remained hiding under the bed for a long time and after some time she fell asleep there.

Next morning when kaki came to the room, she did not see Nitya anywhere, kaki started calling her, when kaki did not get any answer from her, she got worried and quickly went out to see her.

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