Chapter Eighteen

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Storm Thomas

I stare at him from across the room. It probably isn't the wisest choice considering that someone can see me staring at him and just jump to conclusion, but I can't help myself. He looks so...normal. I mean, granted he kind of is. But...he isn't. He isn't just the average white collar man. From first glance, one would think so. One would think that he is a handsome–very handsome–tall, hard working man. Same time, those people never have gotten taken to a BDSM club like I did.

The average person wouldn't expect this man to get off on punishing women and like to have submissives in his free time. Or the fact that he can give a simple girl an amazing experience in just a few hours and then turn around and sit amongst her family members like none of it happened.

Or maybe I'm overthinking the whole thing.

"Just admit that you find him hot." I gasp, snapping my head to look Rain. She grins up at me like she knows something that I don't and I roll my eyes.

"Oh, shut up." I whisper back at her because if she snuck up on me, there isn't any telling who else can or will.

"Not until you admit it." She crosses her arm, leaning against the same countertop that I am.

"And what's it to you?" She shrugs her shoulders, taking an opportunity to look at him herself. He has to know we're staring at him, especially considering the intensity I just stared him down with. He sits there so calm and it makes me think back to what he said about me being his submissive.

I haven't done my research on it, but I know the opposite of a submissive is a dominant and there are different types of them. I guess the same can be said about submissives, but that's besides the point. I wonder if he's this calm when he's being dominant. Or being a dominant. I don't know the correct phrasing of it.

It intrigues me.

I want to move on from this day and fast forward to the day we sit down and have a conversation about this whole thing. I don't know what to expect or what I would even say. But I would be lying if I said the anticipation wasn't killing me.

Rain huffs amusingly and I roll my eyes. I really do have to stop staring.

"Alright everyone." My mom gets up from her chair. "Time to open presents."

The little kids scream and squeals, getting up from their kiddie tables and running out of the kitchen. Their little feet almost shake the entire room and I smile at their excitement. My cousins smile as they talk amongst themselves, teasing each other by spoiling potential gifts. I follow behind them, walking apparently too slow because Rain grabs my hand and pulls me into the living room.

I sit in one of the seats before one of my cousins can take it and Rain sits on the floor next to my feet. As everyone gathers around, my dad plays Christmas music as the mothers pass out the presents to the little ones first since they have the patience of a cat. It only takes thirty seconds before there is wrapping paper everywhere. We all smile and awe as they hold up each gift that they got. Some of them got new electronics while some got some more simple things like Barbie sets and way too big toy guns. Eventually it was our turn to get gifts and the little kids moved out of the way, running around the house to go ahead and play with their gifts.

My mom started with Rain and she got a couple of books that she wanted along with a few Dunks and the newest IPad. My mom handed me my gift and told me to be careful. It was this big rectangular box that she placed gently on the table in front of me. I am careful to take the wrapping paper off and I already know what it is before I take it all off. I start beaming, excited with the gift that I've gotten. I stare at the picture on the box, looking at the dark wooden vinyl player that has a glass top. "And these go with it too." My mom says. Handing me another box. I rip the paper off it and I see they also have bought me different vinyl records from my favorite artists.

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