Chapter 28: You know that I do (Clints recovery 2012)

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Warnings: Curse words without these: ***, Cigarettes and mentions of sexaul assult and rape.

Natasha's point of view:

Yelena's eyes meet my own as I lift her chin up again and she smiles at me the water in her eyes glistening in the lights placed above our heads like stars, if I wanted to be metaphorical.

I tilt her head up slightly as I'm finishing her eyeliner but I keep getting lost in her eyes, all the things they've seen, all the things they've seen me do, all the blood, the roses, the gunshots but somehow they still seem to shine, I bet I've said it before but it's something you don't see everyday. She had every reason to hate the world to hate...


"Chin up малышка they'd kill to see you fall" I tell her forcefully but softly, trying not to sound like Madame B but hers was "Chin high and make the kill, you dont want to fall do you Natalia" with a gun in our hands, a girl fell from the cliffs once, well I pushed her. The Kuznestov kill a red room classic. Fight to the death on the edge, you didnt want to fall down first. I told them I never found the body.

I blink my self out of it Yelena smiles at me, she looked like Yelena, Blonde hair she had blue eyes though, pretty girl well until her blood was on snow.

I hold Yelena's chin in palm of my hand as I try to keep my face cold while I finish her eye makeup and focus on the subtle taste of nicotine in my mouth and for a milasecond its all numb again and the red snow fades.

I slip the pencil back in my pocket and turn to look just off of where to Yelena's eyes are "Законченный" I mutter my hand no longer slips onto her face. (Finished)

It hurts everywhere, my eye, my collarbone is numb holding all the nightmare and my head just screams.

You cant mourn the people you killed, you killed them Natalia.

I lock eyes with Yelena there a beautiful green like the Ohio spring, not icy blue, green not blue.

When she was falling I could have caught her, her eyes were scared but instead Madame B said the word I pulled out a gun and shot her square in the head as she fell. Another Yelena another bullet through the head. But I missed the first time so Madame B dangled me over the cliff.

Yelena smiles at me her eyes warm I carefully lay a finger on the centre of her forehead before dropping my hand quickly, she's ok, you dont have a gun, shes gonna be ok.

"Natty" Yelena states as she shuffes closer so our knees are touching, my heart jumps a few beats, my instict is to fight to throw a punch but I just bite down more on the cigarette. I look up at Yelena she looks more put to together now, pretty. Im glad she's talking to me again, I dont know what Id do without her.

"Воробушек" She whispers to me with playful tone in her voice Воробушек is only really used with children, she gently goes for my spare hand and I pull back but her grasps strengthens, she places it on her heart I pull back wrapping my fingers into a fist, don't touch her Natalia. (Little sparrow)

«Тише, тише, все в порядке, Наттй» Yelena whispered practically in my ear by how close we were and my fingers start to open and she places them on her heart and there's a beautiful rhythm, a heartbeat, I barely feel them. (Shush, Shush, it's ok Natty)

"Я здесь, видишь, все будет хорошо, Таль" She comments and I nod which makes her smile. I smile back the ice melts away, She laces her fingers in mine that are over her heart, you have to protect her now Natalia, even if she capable of doing that herself. (I'm here, you see, everything will be fine, Tal)

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