The phone call

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Willow's POV

It has been a month since my conversation with Lexi about Margot. I continued to be nice to Lexi and Kayla eventually came around. It is now March and spring break is nearing.

It is still weird seeing Easton and Lexi, but I got used to it. Lexi comes over frequently and I can hear her and E laughing and hanging out from my room. It is annoying to say the least, but I came to accept there was nothing I could do about it unless I wanted a repeat of what happened last time I got in the way of my brother's relationship.

I mean not that I'm saying it is anything like last time. This is a completely different situation. It's not like I like Lexi like that. I can barely tolerate her, but I do. It would only hurt me if I hated my brother's girlfriend and my best friend's new best friend.

This is definitely not how I imagined my junior year. It started out bad as the wound caused by the loss of a friend was still fresh and then of course new girl had to come along.

The new girl. The annoyingly perfect new girl. God, why can't I stop thinking about her even still?

Her sleek black hair that looked amazing the way she ties it up, but even better when she keeps it down. Those cute little glasses that sit on the end of her nose so she has to constantly push them back up. Too bad she doesn't wear them anymore, but I guess now I have a better view of her eyes.

Her eyes though. Those stunning orbs that look like they could be all the colors at once. Not quite blue and not quite green, but from the right angle they look just like the color of a storm cloud. They were the kind of eyes you could stare into for hours and never get bored.

She has a shy, fragile look to her, but her beauty is undeniable. Her soft skin and the freckles that dashed her cheeks. Her plush lips. I wonder what it would be like to k...stop. 

What the fuck is wrong with me? I already know I like girls despite that fact of it not being something I advertise. But I can't like this girl.

I'm just a little horny. That's it. I just need to find a random hook up. It's Friday night so that shouldn't be too hard.

I know that Matt Conway's cousin is hosting a party tonight a few towns over. That should be fun. I love how I am completely ignoring my better judgment in this situation. Since when do I enjoy going to parties again? Whatever I'm going.

I put on this lilac dress, the same color as my car. It's also my favorite color. The dress is tight and short and it fits my body like a glove. It has one big cut out along my abdomen and on thin strap.

After putting on my dress and touching up my makeup. I go down stairs to leave. Unfortunately, Lexi and Easton are there cuddling on the couch and I see them while walking through the living room on the way to the door. "Where are you going?" East asks.

'Where does it look like I'm going?"

"A party." Easton replies.


"Really?" He responds surprised.

"Yes. Really"

"I didn't know that was your thing anymore. Have fun."

With that I leave getting in my car and driving off in the direction of the party. When I get there, many crazy teenagers are already well into their third or fourth drinks by the looks of it. I really need to catch up.


An hour or two must have gone by I'm only a little tipsy. I don't need to be totally wasted anyway. I'm sitting on the couch. Well really I'm sitting on some guy who I'm making out with, but I break the kiss when I feel my phone buzz.

I get it out to see I'm getting a call from Lexi. I get up, leaving that stranger probably really sexually frustrated, and go out to the front of the house where it is quieter so I can hear the call.

I answer my phone. "Lexi," I say.

Immediately I hear the girl crying on the other end. "Lexi what's wrong," I ask concerned.

"I'm sorry for calling you. It's just my mom's out of town and  Kayla wasn't answering her phone and I didn't know who else to call," she sobs into the phone.

"Lexi, what happened?" I question, sounding a little more distressed myself than I meant.

"You were right."

"Right about what?"

"I think Easton cheated on me," she confesses.

"That son of a bitch. I know he is my brother, but I will beat him up if you want me," I tell her feeling more angry than I ever have before.

"No. Don't do that," she responds, her voice cracking so much because of the pain that it almost send me to tears.

"Where are you?"

"At my house."

"Wait there. I'm on my way."

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