12: gash eyeshadow.

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day 70

"it's... alright" gerard said to me, as i stared at his bruised face sadly.

"no it's not alright! look what he did to you! oh my god..." i whined, hugging gerard tightly.

"seriously y/n, there's nothing to worry about" he reassured me, but it still didn't make me believe him.

"ugh... i hate tony so much sometimes" i mumbled under my nose as i finally pulled away from the man in front of me. he chuckled, looking into my eyes.

"alright let's go" he said as we entered the makeup store. we kept on looking around for some red eyeshadow and white foundation.

he found a single eyeshadow, but he quickly put it down. "nah it's too bright. i want a similar color to that bruise on my eye" he explained to me, as i kept on looking for something as well.

suddenly one shade caught my eye, it was called "gash".

"what about this one?" i asked as i held the product up in the air. gerard's eyes lit up, as a smile plastered on his face.

"this one is fucking perfect!" he whisper shouted, and took the eyeshadow from my hands. he stared at it for a while, before shoving it into his pocket..

he looked into my eyes very seriously, and then he looked quickly at the cashier. "let's go" he whispered very quietly, and i immediately turned around to leave.

damn. he just stole a whole ass foundation AND an eyeshadow.

i sighed, relieved that we didn't get caught. "i'm gonna fucking kill you if they arrest us" i said through gritted teeth as he chuckled while patting my shoulder.

"don't worry sugar" he whispered into my ear, and it lowkey made me feel something weird. i brushed away the thoughts in my head, and walked with gee to the thrift shop.

"this time; we're fucking paying!" i warned him as i put my index finger in front of his face.

"i don't have any money with me" he furrowed his eyebrows, putting his hands up in defense. i rolled my eyes.

"alright, then i'll buy the suit for you" i said with a smile on my face, as he scrunched his face.

"aw, come on man. you don't have to" he whined, and i rolled my eyes yet again.

"yeah exactly; i don't HAVE to, but i WANT to. so shut up and let's go inside" i said as i entered the store, and soon he did the same.

we kept on looking around, and it didn't take us too long to find a whole black suit and a red tie.

i payed for the clothes, and then we quickly left to his band's van.

"frankie" he yelled, as he took the bag with the suit inside of it from my hands. frank showed up immediately, and gerard's eyes lit up.

"look what i got!" he said excitedly like a little child. frank was high as fuck, and he just stared at gee with confusion written all over his innocent face. suddenly his red and squinted eyes looked over at me, and they widened at the sight.

"y/n! heyyy girllll" i couldn't help but laugh at him. gerard quickly went to the back of the van where they had all the beds to change his clothes, and frank walked over to me.

he wrapped his tattooed arm around me, as a smug smile welcomed his face.

"how you been girlie?" he asked and i giggled in response while staring into his squinted eyes.

"i've been good frankie" i said, copying gee's nickname for him. i thought it was cute. he smirked, ruffling my hair up.

"awesome dude..." he said in some sort of slow motion, and just as he did so; gerard came back.

he had the suit on and had the makeup in his hands. "alright, i've got the makeup too" he announced, as he hurried over to the mirror they had hanging on the wall. he messily put on the foundation and eyeshadow, and then looked over at us once he was finished.

"what do you guys think?" he asked, as i stared at him in awe.

"you look fucking awesome!" i fangirled, as i just couldn't get enough of his vampire look. he smiled, staring down at his feet.

"thanks.." he scratched his neck awkwardly and looked up at me.

"also thanks for... you know. paying... and stuff" he mumbled out, as i gave him a warm smile in response.

"you're welcome" he smiled as well, but then suddenly frank boo'ed us.

"boooo!! just fuck alreadyyy" he whined, and gee clenched his jaw.

"shut up frank" he said angrily. what the fuck suddenly got into him?

"whatevs dude.." frank put his hands up in defense, and walked out of the van. i sighed, leaving the van as well with a frown on my face. the fuck was his problem?

"oh come on sugar, you know i didn't mean it like that" gerard called out after me, gripping my shoulders tightly. i sighed nervously, and then quickly turned around to face him.

"i'm not mad, i just went after frank" i told him, faking a smile. he just raised his eyebrows a little and stared at me like that for a while.

"oh. okay..." he said shyly, as he let go of me. i forced a giggle, and turned around yet again to go and look for frank.

and there he was; behind the van with bob, sharing a joint together.

i smiled at the sight, as i hurriedly sat down on the ground in front of them. "gimme" i said, as i put my hand out.

bob smirked with his teeth, raising one of his eyebrows at frank. frank nodded his head very softly, and bob handed the joint over to me.

i took a long drag, and immediately felt a good kick. "goddamn! this shit is fucking good!" i told them, as they both giggled.

"i know, right?" bob said, and i flashed him a kind smile while nodding my head.

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