24: engagement ring.

39 3 0

day 401

"fuck" gerard mumbled under his nose as he fell down to the ground, grabbing his head with his hand.

tears were streaming down my face, and i felt so fucking sick of him. "you're fucking disgusting" i cried out, sobbing a little.

"and you're fucking crazy" he stood up, struggling to stand still from all the alcohol he drank. i scoffed at the sight, shaking my head slightly.

"leave my house" i said sternly, as he chuckled angrily, furrowing his eyebrows.

"nahh, i don't think i will" he got closer to me yet again, stroking my cheek with his cold hand.

"gerard please... stop..." i said quietly as my voice got weaker, looking down on the ground to avoid eye contact with him.

"why?" he asked, his thumb now on my bottom lip. i opened my mouth to say something, but no words could leave my throat. i closed it quickly, staring up into his hazel eyes.

he narrowed them, smirking a bit as he leaned in. "i fucking hate you." i said angrily through gritted teeth, meaning every word that came out of my mouth.

his eyes widened a bit, but he didn't seem hurt. he definitely seemed surprised.

"wh...what?" he stuttered out, blinking rapidly as he couldn't believe what he just heard.

"i said i hate you" i repeated, my voice firm and serious. i felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

gerard just stared at me for a moment, his expression unreadable. and then, without warning, he lunged at me, his hands wrapping around my neck.

i gasped for air, struggling to breathe as he squeezed tighter. my vision started to blur, and i could feel myself fading away.

and then, just as suddenly as it had started, it was over. gerard released his grip and stumbled backwards, panting heavily. i crumpled to the ground, coughing and gasping for air.

"please leave..." i said, my voice hoarse and weak.

he hesitated for a moment, looking like he wanted to say something, but eventually he just shook his head and stumbled towards the door.

as he left, i collapsed onto the ground and sobbed. i couldn't believe he could hurt me like this.

day 405

"i'm... i'm sorry y/n" he said sadly, looking down at me.

i stood there for a moment, not sure how to respond. part of me wanted to believe him, to forgive him and move on from everything that had happened between us.

but another part of me couldn't forget the way he had treated me, the way he had hurt me both physically and emotionally.

"i don't know if I can forgive you gerard..." i finally said, my voice shaking slightly.

"i understand..." he said, his voice quiet.

there was a long silence between us, and i could feel the tension in the air. "i just want things to go back to how they were before" he said, his eyes pleading.

"but they can't" i said firmly. "not after everything that has happened."

"i know" he said, looking down at the ground. "but i want to try. i want to make things right between us"

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