3. Should I Know Who You Are? ✔

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A/N: Picture of Giovanni

This chapter is edited.


Tony and Gio lead me down a hall and up some stairs. I will take a guess and say I was in the basement before and that we are going somewhere upstairs right now.

As we reach the top of the stairs they open a big wooden door and we walk into, what I assume is, the first floor of the house. The room is bright and full of all sorts of decorations, there are pictures, paintings, flowers and carpets. There are some big vases and a few statues too. The room looks like it has been taken out of some decor magazine for rich people.

I wanted to stop and look at the pictures or study the painting and sculptures, but the two men with me didn't stop and kept dragging me with them to who knows where, not giving me the chance to do so. They are probably used to this by now, so it's nothing new to them, that's why they are not fascinated by the house as much as I am.

I keep quiet as I follow then, not wanting to make them mad and say something to their boss, because, even if I won't admit it out loud, I am terrified of him. I mean, he shot a guy without blinking. And that makes me wonder...does he kill people all the time? Oh my god, what did I get myself into? What if he is some big shot gang leader? Please, don't let me be right.

We stop in front of another big door after we pass a big front room with two rows of stair leading upstairs. Tony knock on the door and Gio turns to look at me. "Be nice and be respectful. Try not to make him mad and don't oppose him." He says.

There is a quick "Come in." from the other side of the door and Tony opens them. "Good luck, Alexis." He says, before pushing me in and closing the doors. I turn to glare at him, but I am only meet with the doors. Is he trying to kill me or something? I can barely walk in this stupid heels and he is pushing me around like this.

"If you can stop glaring at the doors and move to sit on this damn chair in front of me today, I would be a very happy man." Comes a voice from behind me as I gulp down and take a few deep breaths. This man, the boss, surely made my job of discovering what kind of accent this is very easy. His Italian accent is very obvious and damn it, it sounds hot. His voice sounds hot too.

I'm going crazy, I'm calling a murder's voice hot. I swear I am the only person to do that, but I am blaming it on fainting last night. I mean, it must have been last night as the sun is high up the sky already. Shit! My bakery, I am supposed to help Kate in her afternoon shift today.

I bite my lip and slowly turn away from the door and to where I think the voice came from. I slowly lift my eyes from the carpet, over the desk and onto the man behind it. He has his elbows on the desk, his fingers interlaced together, as he leans his face onto them. His green eyes are fixated on me, like he is studying me somehow. And that makes me feel very uncomfortable.

I slowly walk to him with small and timid steps. I take my time to study him. He has green eyes and dark brown, almost black hair. He is wearing a long sleeved blood red shirt and a black tie. Blood red shirt, how convenient that is, huh? He has a light stubble on his strong jaw and from what I can see, he is quite muscular too.

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