Fourteen - The Plan

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Cassiopeia Odette.
Our house.

October 21st, 2021

I let out a sigh, being woken up to a loud alarm and no one beside me.

I was hoping Melo would cool off by the end of the night and lay with me, but he didn't. I guess it's more than I'm seeing, but even if I'm missing some parts why can't he just act like a grown up and have a conversation with me? I would love to explain to him why I was late, it's not like I intentionally blew him off, I was working on a project for him.

He's being ridiculous.

I stretch and throw my legs over the side of the bed.

I quickly brush my teeth and wash my face before heading to Melo's guest room

He's lying on his stomach, face smushed in the pillow under him; that should be me he's smushed into.

I sigh, crawling into bed next to him and gently rubbing his back. He tenses under my touch slightly before letting out a groan

"I can't sleep" he mumbles, pulling me closer. I smile, somewhat glad he can't sleep without me

"You have practice today and I have appointments" I gently rub my lips against the side of his face, waiting for him to lean into me

"We gotta talk" he wraps his arms around me, lifting me from the bed with him to go to the bathroom in our room

"I know"

Melo sets me down on the counter as he brushes his teeth and does his skincare routine; yes I did teach him and I do take credit for his glass skin. thank you ;)

"It hurts when you blow me off. I thought we were done with you pulling away and being selfish and then you went and did it on my first game. I don't like being ignored Dee and I feel like that's what you did last night. What were you doing that was so important you missed half my game?"

"Come" I jump off the counter and walk to my make shift office

"Sit" I gesture for him to sit in one of the chairs on the other side of my desk. He comes over and squeezes onto the arm of my chair

"Don't break my chair, Lamelo. It's expensive" I try pushing him off

"I'll buy you a new one" he stays perched on the arm and smiles "What's up?"

"Im sorry for being late to your game, I'll do my best to be there on time for the rest of your games from now on, alright?"

"Mmm... Fifteen minutes early and all will be forgiven" Melo negotiates

"Fine" I cross my arms and huff before looking down at the paper work sprawled across my desk "So, I'm going to explain to you why I was so late your game now- and I'm sure you're not going to be too pleased about this but um... I think you deserve to know and understand that whether you want me to or not I'm going to continue digging and figuring out what's really going on"

"What you talkin bout?" Melo slides down the arm of the chair and squeezes next to me in the chair

"So, I was looking into your finances and business and everything. Since we're gonna be married and in business together and everything, you know?"

Melo nods his head, waiting for me to continue

"And I know you have five people on your direct team- your manager, JJ. Your personal assistance, Laney. Your publicist, Katherine. Your Agent, David. And your accountant, Christian. Now each gets paid different amounts with your manager JJ getting paid the most. Correct?"

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