Fifteen - Executing the Plan

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Cassiopeia Odette
Our house.

Continuation of Fourteen.

"Wait on the counter or in the living room?" I mosey around trying to get everything ready for Melo

"Living room"  Jelly assures. She's already laying on the couch with heart pillows and rose petals surrounding her. We had the whole room decorated just for him

"Right" I place it on the coffee table and then lay on top of Jelly. My head feels like it's on a cloud drifting far away into outer space

"I feel like Ronald Armstrong" I mumble

Jelly laughs "Who's Ronald?"

"The austronaut that landed on Mars"

"My dawg Louis? Not Ronald, you're stupid" Jelly sticks her wet finger in my ear

"Eueeuaaahhh, I don't like you" I slap her hand away and readjust "I'm gonna rest my eyes for like five seconds before he gets here"

"Yea that's- that's a great idea Cassiopeia"





I'm ripped out of my sleep by a loud boom. I push off of Jelly and look around to see Melo sitting on the end of the couch frantically grabbing for the remote

"Sorry, I didn't know it would be that loud " he apologizes for Netflix and offers a smile

"Oh, hi. I'm sorry, I wanted to be up when you got here. Did you see my decorations and gifts?" I crawl to sit next to him

"I did" Melo pulls my by my shirt to smell me "You smell like drugs and depression"

"Oh, thank you for that" I sniff and rub my eyes "We might've rolled a lil too good"

"Yea you look to' up. I thought y'all was dead when I came in"

"Why didn't you wake me?"

"I tried. I actually had to slap you to get you to make give me a sign of life"

"Oh! So violence is always the answer??" I laugh n poke his cheek

"Obviously, little nigglet" he roles his eyes and twist his neck to emphasize the sass of each word

"Alright sassy, I'll assume practice was good" I roll my eyes playfully and can't help but smile at the gorgeous freckled man staring back at me

"It was chill, I might go lift later tonight" he smiles at me

"I wanna come. I thought we could watch a movie tonight tho"

"Mhm," Melo runs his thumb along my jaw as the smile on his face grows"My pretty baby, even when you high out yo mind"

"I'm pretty sober now. That nap did it for me" I lean into his hand until I'm pulled away by my own thoughts

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