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" Sorry guys your third attempt also failed a new manager is appointed and she is joining tomorrow "

" That's cool because the third day she is going to run way  No body can control us and we won't let someone control us"

" Listen this job is not going to easy because they are going to trouble the hell out of you, they will try all the way possible to throw you out of the job. And will you run away like the other three??? 

" No Sir never, whatever comes my way I will face it but once I take up this job, until and unless I decided i am not going to quit this "

" For us throwing you out of this job is important and we will definitely do that by hook or crook "

" For me this job is important, So I will secure it.  No matter how much hard I have to work and how much troubles I have to face I am never going to leave this job....

  For her this job is the only way to escape from the hell in which she is leaving and finding out if someone from her family actually existed or not

For them she is the one who has come to control them and they will throw her out no matter what happens

Some meetings are bound to happen even if we want or not. And no one knows what it has instored for you in this journey

Join prathiksha and ict in the journey of struggle and new discoveries find out how Indian cricket team team up against prathiksha to throw her out of the job eventually making her a part of their ict family

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