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And they all snuggled to Prathiksha as she is some fragile doll

Next morning the wife's came to wake Prathiksha Up as she has to leave in the morning, they were welcomed to the most cutest scene ever, Their husbands and brothers all snuggled up with their little sister, by looking at the way they have held her close they could understand how much scared they are about losing her at that time mahi also came there, seeing this scene he couldn't help but feel guilty about the fact that what if he fail to bring Prathiksha back because he can't see his brothers breaking down again

Mahi : Wake them up fast and ask Prathiksha to get ready and come down stairs fast kaka sa will come within a few minutes

Athiya : She will come back know bhai, we won't lose her right....

Mahi : Look I can't assure you that, but I promise that I will do everything to bring her back

Saying this he left from there leaving them in deep thoughts

Athiya : She will come back know, because I can't see Rahul breaking down again and going back to that depression stage, he finally got his family back and if he lost that he will be shattered

Sanjana : Not only Rahul but everyone will be broken, none of them can think of losing her they have finally found happiness after a long time and if Prathiksha left them then they won't be able to live, so let's hope that nothing like that happens

Ritika : Ro finally found his little sister that he always wanted, if she lives after Rahul he will be the most affected and broken one

Natasha : Even Shub also I don't know if it's just my gut feeling but I feel that shub values Prathiksha more than a best friend and she is even more important to him maybe more than ishu

Devanshi : I hope that she comes back soon and history doesn't repeat again

Anushka : I certainly don't want to but no option let's go wake them up

They went inside and saw the kids were up

Anushka : Good morning babies

Kids : Good morning mummy / chachi

Natasha : Why do you guys look so angry did someone say something

Agastya : No, palpa malmu chachus are vely bad

Ritika : Acha what did they even do

Ziva : They took bhuvi from us we wanted to cuddle with her and see they are cuddling with her very bad

Athiya : Please forgive them for today, next time onwards we will take care OK

Sammy : okk bult nexlt timle ilf they dol likle thils agailn we won't tallk to them

Rivaba : OK now go down stairs and get freshed up quick

Kids : OK

The kids went others also went with them expect for athiya anushka ritika and natasha

Natasha : Now the real task waking up this kids trapped in adult body

They went near them anushka slowly removed both deepaks and shubmans hand from Prathikshas hand and started waking her up

Anushka : Tara kiddo wake up, it's morning wake wake baccha

Prathiksha : Umm five minutes bhabhi

Anushka : No baccha wake up, remember you have to go also you will be late kiddo

She woke up slowly stretching her hands and rubbing her eyes cutely

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