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Mother was particularly angry with me yesterday. She was very worried and kept questioning me about my drenched clothes. I'm sure she questioned Nicholas too, but we haven't spoken since.

I yawn, rubbing my eyes I just opened. "Good morning." A warm voice chimes up, I can hear the smile in their voice.

"Good morning." I yawn as I turn over in bed and close my eyes once again.

"You have to get up." They laugh. "Victoria? Vic?" There's only one person that calls me that.

I launch upwards in my bed and there she is. Like an angel that fell from the heavens she stands there. Dressed in white. "Estelle!" I cry out. I wrap my arms around her neck and drag her in bed with me. "Oh my goodness, is it you?" I touch her face as if I'm trying to feel if she's actually real. "Is it really you?" I give her a big kiss on her cheek. "My god." I pull her in my chest and start caressing her hair.

"It's me." She hugs me back. "Nice to know I've been missed."

"Missed?!" I raise my voice as I sit up on bed and pull her up with me. "I have never felt so blue in my life!"

"Well I'm here now, you are okay." She wipes my tears away with the back of her hand.

"What have you been up to?" I don't even really know what her life is like outside of the castle. Does she have hobbies? Where does her family live? Does she have siblings?

"What have you been up to?" I ask. 

"Oh you know, just visiting family and stuff." Family?

"You never told me about them. What are they like? Do you have siblings?"

"I never told you, since it's not that interesting." She giggles awkwardly.

"I am interested." I smile.

"Please I do not feel like talking about it." There is suddenly a hinge of urgency in her voice.

"Alright." I try to hide the hurt I feel in my chest, she knows everything about me, so why can't I get to know her? She's my best friend. "Were they why you left so suddenly? Without saying goodbye?"

"Yes." She says shortly, avoiding my eyes. "Family emergency. Now let's get you dressed."

// Estelle //

A loud knock on my door wakes me up, the door creaks open. I can feel a presence, I can't identify them due to the dark. I sit up, grab the oil lamp from my bedside table and lift it in front of myself. A face appears in front of me, an angry face. It's the prince.

"Can I help you, your highness?" I try to hide the anxious quiver in my voice, what are his intentions?

"Leave." My stomach drops. "Pack your bags and be gone before the sun rises." He grits.

"Excuse me?" I try to stay polite, carefully choosing my words. Victoria can be honest and rude, but if I stepped out of place my whole life could be ruined and my career gone. "Why would I do that...your grace?" I ask, trying to sound kind and sincere.

"Well if I see you here tomorrow morning, I will personally tell the royals your little secret." An evil smile creeps up his face.

I am genuinely intimidated now, Victoria did not judge this man wrongly. He is as bad as they get. "What secret? I don't have a secret." My throat feels like it's tightening up.

"Don't act stupid now, Estelle Elizabeth Wilson." He leans closer, his lips almost touch my ear shell. "I happen to know the  Wilsons, and they miss their daughter." He whispers. "I don't think you want the queen to know, just how much the Wilsons miss their daughter, now do you?" He chuckles as he pulls back.

I feel sick. That would mean the end of all of this, the end of me. I have no choice. "You..." my lip trembles in anger as tears threaten to spill from my eyes.

"Yes, my lady?" He mocks. "Don't let me find you."

"Y-yes." I cry.

He leaves, leaving the door open after him. As if to say, I need to go now. I feel so scared. I have never felt this scared.

With shaking hands I stuff everything in my reach in my travelling case. I slip on my boots and rush out of there. I cross Victoria's door, and contemplate on saying goodbye, or just seeing her face one last time. But she would have questions, I would not be able to answer. It would only make it more difficult.

On my way out, the piano starts getting played. It's like the music is taunting me.

A few days later...

There she is. My best friend. I can't explain how happy I was when I got word from Nicholas. She sleeps so peacefully, but she can snore like a beast. I giggle to myself.

She stirs in her sleep, rubbing her eyes. "Good morning." I couldn't suppress my smile if I wanted to.

"Good morning." She turns on her other side.

"You have to get up." I laugh when I get no reaction. I'm still in my coat, I wasted no time visiting her. "Victoria?" I sing. "Vic?"

She suddenly launches upwards, "Estelle!" She yells as tears instantly stream down her cheeks.

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