Chapter 6

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It had been about a week since that day in the graveyard when I ran into Taylor. Despite giving the blonde my phone number, I still hadn't heard anything from her and didn't have her number to reach out.

It had been so long since I genuinely connected with someone outside of my immediate family. Likely, since before Josh passed away. I had friends before the accident, but now there was only my sisters and best friend, Gigi, whom I had seen in the last two years. Most of my friends from college couldn't connect anymore when I was in the throes of grieving and had a baby, especially with no one to watch her most of the time. It had felt nice to have the start of a connection with someone again.

From our conversation, I took it that Taylor was a big deal here and had lots of friends. She didn't need to hang out with some random chick with a baby, even if Emery had sworn them to friendship. From the rock on her finger, I guessed she also had a fiance to rely on.

And while my support system was often an hour away in the city, my sister Kimby was staying with us for the weekend. It was great to have someone else in the house to help me out, talk to me, and entertain my little monkey, who was full of energy and sass these days.

It was barely daylight out when I slipped on my worn running shoes. I normally opted for a run on the treadmill in the garage due to a sleeping Emery in the house, but with Kimby there to keep an ear out, I was excited to get outside. The heat of summer at this time of day wasn't too unbearable, and most people weren't out and about yet.

I slipped through the door to my baby's nursery and leaned over the side of her crib. Her dark brown ringlets clung to the side of her sweaty face, and her plump cheeks squished into the crib mattress, forcing her lips open. I ran a hand down her back and placed a kiss on the top of her head before stealthily tip-toeing back out of the room. I placed the baby monitor with the volume all the way up on the nightstand next to Kimby, who was sleeping in my room and was ready to leave for my run.

Running has always been therapeutic for me. The pounding of my feet on the pavement, coupled with music in my headphones, allowed me to escape my own thoughts, if even for a little while. I was really bummed when I was too pregnant to run anymore with Emery, and I craved getting back on the run every day until I was cleared by my doctor.

Even at almost two years postpartum, I was still not used to some of the differences in my body. My breasts had always been on the small side and still were, but now I was two bra sizes bigger than pre-breastfeeding. When I run, I have to wear two sports bras for support. My cardio endurance was still down from having my internal organs rearranged by my tiny baby, and a few stretchmarks decorated my hips and breasts. I would still do it over again, though.

I made it to the local park before taking a quick breather, leaning against the side of a shaded tree. I took a swig of water from my water bottle before doing some quick stretches. I checked the time, noticing I still had about an hour before Emery usually woke up.

Since I had some extra time, I figured I might as well get in a quick ab workout as well. I laid in the grass and did a few planks before switching to hip dips. I felt okay when I finished those reps and added a few crunches.

A blonde ponytail bouncing in time with another runner's body caught my attention as I neared the end of my sets of crunches. As the woman got closer, I immediately recognized it was Taylor. I decided to do a few more crunches just so that I was busy when she ran by so she didn't feel obligated to stop and talk to me.

I avoided looking directly at her but could hear the foot drops on the pavement slowing down as she moved closer to where I was. Soon, there was a swishing of grass as she stepped off the trail, and a shadow cast over my figure as she stood over me.

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