Chapter 8

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It took me a few minutes to find my parents and Kimby and let them know I was heading home for the night, though I didn't tell them it was because of a certain blonde I kept running into. The room was full of people dancing and enjoying drinks, still plenty abuzz with conversations.  I noticed Joe standing off to the side of the stage at the far end of the room, chatting with a woman around his age.

I quickly tore my gaze away and hurried towards the doors to find my way back to Taylor.  When I reached the blonde, she had a tumbler of ice and what I assumed was whiskey in her hand.  When she caught sight of me, she threw back the glass and downed the amber liquid in one go.  She set the glass on a nearby table next to an empty champagne flute and a shot glass before making her way towards me.

Her balance wobbled slightly as her ankle rolled to the side and her foot slid off the heel.

"Fuck!" The blonde yelled while reaching down and snatching the high heels off of her feet. She threaded the loops of the heels through her fingers before looking up at me, face turning bright red.

"You okay there, grace?" I asked her with a mischievous smile.
"Never better, thanks, asshole," she laughed, swatting my arm as she reached me.  I only chuckled in response and held my arm out to her.

She quickly laced her arm with mine, leaning some of her weight into me. We slowly worked our way towards the main entrance to try to avoid any more stumbling or falls on our way out. I led the blonde out to the parking lot, which she navigated while still barefoot.

The silence between us was comfortable and sometimes filled with small groans from Taylor when she would step on a small rock. Right before we made it to my car, an all-black Subaru SUV, Taylor must have stepped on something especially sharp as she let out another loud curse and jerked against my hold on her arm. I chuckled at her antics, and she slapped my arm lightly in response.

"Hey, don't laugh at me. That really hurt," she pouted, her baby blue eyes dilating as she looked at me with puppy dog eyes that would put Emery's to shame.

"Awe, poor baby," I responded teasingly, running a hand down her curls before lifting her chin so she would meet my gaze. "But my daughter better not pick up any colorful language from you, Tay." I gave her a pointed look, and she quickly swallowed in response.

The blonde's hand came up and made a quick x over her heart between us.

"Scout's honor," she promised, taking a small step back from me.

I laughed as I fished out my car keys, quickly unlocking the car and opening the passenger door for Taylor. She slid into the sleek leather interior, immediately reaching down to inspect her feet.  I ensured all of her baby blue dress was confined to the vehicle before closing her door and making my way into the driver's side.

I was immediately embarrassed that my car reeked of old Cheerios and cracker crumbs. The backseat was covered in Emery's toys, and her car seat occupied space that made Taylor unable to slide her seat back at all.

"Gosh, Taylor.  I am so sorry; I wasn't planning on having anyone in my car tonight.  I swear I'm not always such a slob," I gushed, trying to rid myself of the blush I knew was creeping onto my cheeks.

"Kar, it's fine," she reassured me.  "You have a toddler, I get it."  Her warm hand found mine over the center console.  She interwove our fingers and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. 

Fuck, that surely isn't helping the flushed state of my skin right now.  My hand felt like it was on fire, and a warm feeling spread all over my body.  I swallowed before giving her hand a squeeze in return.

Ivy - A Kaylor AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن