Chapter Sixty-Six

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I observe him incredulously for several seconds, sheer disbelief smearing itself across my otherwise stiffened face.

I can't believe he just said what he said. For a split second, I'm almost—almost—convinced that my eardrums are playing tricks on me. As if on cue, the words reverberate in my head, his voice resounding in my ears with remarkable clarity, as if he's actually repeating them out loud.

"If I was going to fuck you today, believe me, it would have already happened. Twice."

Dear. God. In. Heaven.

I sincerely wish I could say I misheard him. I really do. But with the blatant way he's staring back at me, with his eyes so intense and intrusive and unapologetic, I know I couldn't have possibly imagined it, and any doubt that those asinine words had indeed fallen from his pretty lips leaves just as fast as it surfaced. And, besides, knowing just how outrageous this man is and how absurdly mind-boggling he can be, I suppose I shouldn't be so surprised that he'd utter something like that. Still, I can't shake my feelings of shock and astonishment so easily. I mean, he sounds so sure, so certain of his claim that I'm at an utter loss for words.


It's actually amazing—for lack of a better word, I suppose—to witness firsthand just how smug, how utterly conceited another human being can be. And, frankly, I don't know whether I want to punch him right in his pretty face for his arrogance or shake his hand for being the most self-assured person on the planet.

He looks me square in the eyes for the shortest of moments, but the brevity of the gaze doesn't make it any less intimidating. It's as if he's trying to analyze something again, and the frigidness of his gaze immediately seeps in to my skin, making my frickin' goosebumps get goosebumps.

Then he cocks his head to the side and speaks again, his expression growing serious. "Look, this is for your own good, not mine. It's a medical thing, not a personal one, and right now, you're wasting both my time and yours with your unnecessary stalling and dramatics. Besides, from reading the contract, you should know that if I wanted to put something in your ass, it would be much bigger than this thermometer."

I immediately feel all the blood drain from my face at that statement, only for it to come rushing back to my head with a vengeance in the same breath. I simultaneously go ghostly pale and incredibly flushed at his admission, heat spreading like fire across my neck and cheeks even as I shiver uncontrollably. I can do nothing but stare at him blankly for a few seconds, my brain struggling to fully accept what just came out of his mouth.

I know my mother would do flips in her grave for me taking the name of the lord in vain, but Jesus. Fucking. Christ!

He did not just say that!

Unnecessary stalling? Dramatics? And, oh my God, that last bit about my ass! This? This is how he decides to bring up the contract?!

I...I can't even bring myself to huff incredulously. I'm just so blown away by this blatant exhibition of first-class douchery! If he wanted something in my ass it would be bigger than a thermometer? And I should know this?

By God, I can't even.

Why...why is this man like this? What on Earth did I ever do to be cursed with the misfortune of becoming involved with a jackass and a dipshit this crass and annoying and vulgar and...

Doctor-Patient Confidentiality: New Adult Enemies-to-Lovers RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now