Chapter 82

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Damn Idol Episode 82

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Ten contestants came onto the empty stage.

The audience that would have shouted has long since disappeared, but it feels like their enthusiasm still remains.

Coming Up Next is over, but it feels like we need to put our heads together again and prepare for the next mission.

While the participants were making strange expressions amid such sentiments, CEO Choi Dae-ho opened his mouth.

"You've worked really hard so far. The long journey is over. But before announcing the results... ... ."

Choi Dae-ho bowed politely to the participants.

"I don't think I've ever learned as much from singers as I did in my nearly 20 years of working as a producer. Thank you all, it was amazing."

Ten participants hurriedly bowed.

In this warmer atmosphere, trainers Blue, Yoo Seon-hwa, and composer Lee Chang-jun also gave warm words to the participants.

Eventually, the scores were revealed.

Take scene 9552 points.

9490 points for 3 months and 100 days.

62 points difference, take scene victory.

Fireworks exploded and the four judges applauded.

Takeshin stood blankly for a moment, then hugged each other and began to share the joy of winning.

Their joy was not fake.

Of course, the results were known from the beginning of the program.

But the process was difficult.

A monster outside the standard called Han Sion appeared, and among the remaining members of 3 Months and One Hundred Days, there was always one person who exploded.

First it was Koo Tae-hwan, then On Saemi-ro, and this time Lee Ion.

As a result, even though it was a predetermined result, it brought them great joy.

Because they won anyway.

There may have been a slightly biased judgment, but it was a possible result because their stage was also excellent.

Of course, if Han Sion had known these thoughts, he would have been astonished, but the Take Scene members, except for Fade, did not dislike Han Sion.

Not long ago, they were a bit taken aback when CEO Choi Dae-ho said he would be recruiting Han Si-on.

But as they thought it was already decided, their anticipation rose.

They have witnessed the members of 3 Months and One Hundred Days show off their potential several times because of Han Sion.

Plus, his composition skills are amazing.

In this way, the main character of Coming Up Next which is take scene, and the participants began to share their thoughts one by one.

The microphone was given first for the take scene.

The next turn was three months and one hundred days.

"Han Sion participant?"


"How do you feel?"

"I can't believe it's completely over. I also wonder what it would have been like if I had done better... ... . I am satisfied because I did my best. I would like to say thank you to the members of 3 Months and One Hundred Days who worked hard together and to TakeScene who won with a great performance."

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