Chapter 96

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Damn Idol Episode 96


-????????? Is it manipulation??

-When I saw it on the algorithm, I thought it was someone pranking me... It's an official channel haha.

-Why is crazy Han Si-on there? What question are they going to ask??

- Hahahahahahaha what is it? What crime did Han Si-on commit?

-The crime of stealing my heart.

-I'm really embarrassed, but am I the only one expecting it to be a lot of fun?

-Money is more important than the love of fans haha. Of course it is money haha.

-I was waiting for Han Sion's first entertainment show... but this isn't it...

- Haha, that sounds fun. Watching idols fall apart is my hobby haha.

-What are some expected questions?

-Who do you think is the worst among the 3 Months and One Hundred Days members?

-Hahaha Do you think Take Scene's win was justified?!

-Kkkkkkkkkkkkk Increased foresight.

Looking at the overall reaction, it was Lee-Wae-jin.

Why is this real?

>Lee-Wae-jin is short for 'Why is this real?'

For your information, Lee Wae-jin was not taught by Choi Jae-seong.

This is what I originally knew.

Seeing the speed at which comments were piling up, it seemed like the appearance was truly unexpected for viewers.

Well, there has never been a normal human found in the abyss detector.

Anyway, I like it because it seems to capture the topic.

At that time, Lee Ion put down his smartphone and tapped my shoulder.

"Sion, did you answer something wrong?"

"no. no."

"Not one? Was it all a lie?"

"If you think about it that way, there are a few... ... . I said it on purpose to make it seem wrong."

"What are you talking about?"

"You'll know it when you watch the broadcast. It's two days later anyway."

"But what's a bit strange is why did Lion leave the abyss detector alone?"

I can't know the answer to Koo Tae-hwan's question unless I'm Choi Dae-ho.

But the most likely ones were two.


"First, Choi Dae-ho's influence did not work."

<Abyss Detector> is a hot content that attracts 10 million viewers when the video is released, but it is a program that is difficult to recruit.

Because it is a special move chosen by celebrities struggling in the abyss as their last resort.

Moreover, the fact that they fell into the abyss itself means that he was originally a famous celebrity.

Even if unknown celebrities get into accidents, the public doesn't know about them or don't remember them.

Naturally, the level of difficulty in recruiting was bound to be enormous.

Of course, there was a time when abyss detectors also recruited unknown celebrities to film content in order to lower the difficulty of recruiting them.

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