04, fine line.

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❝ we'll be alright. ❞


I don't know how I feel about this. Actually, I don't know if I'll even send this. It's been a week since your departure and graduation's only a few days away. No one knows where you've gone, but I've got a good idea. 

You know, I've never told anyone this, but since I doubt you'll be back for another decade at least, I might as well tell you.

I'm not originally a Capitol kid. My grandmother was from 12. She has this beautiful cabin out in the woods, next to the lakes, and I used to go there every summer break. It was so beautiful there, with no sense of civilization, just acres of flowers and beautiful spring water. 

If I could runaway anywhere, I'd go there. 

My favorite flowers are roses because she used to have these gorgeous rose bushes out her house and she'd give me a bouquet full to take home. I love to sit out on the rooftop because the city buildings remind me of the tulips that grew wild amongst my grandmother's house. My favorite color's gold because the sunsets out there were always a beautiful shade of golden yellow. I love to read because she used to always read me books before I fell asleep. 

I'm also pretty sure my grandma was a poet. She always had stacks of papers on her desk, loads with her messy hand writing but were written with sweet words. At first, she'd get mad that I was looking through her stuff, but in the end, she'd read and explain them to me. That's how I got to love words.

Also, she used to sing me this lullaby that she wrote and passed down to her daughter, aka my mother. Then eventually, it found it's way to me. But I can still remember a few songs she'd used to sing to me, but she told me to never tell anyone. Till this day I still don't know why.

And why she stayed in the Districts as well I didn't know. 

I asked her why once and she told me a story about how she fell in love with this Capitol boy and how he had broken her heart terribly. She was pregnant at the time, and once her daughter had been born, she moved to the Districts. Leaving her only child with the man who'd betrayed her. 

I think I'm a lot like my grandmother. I love words, I love songs, and I got my heart broken by a Capitol guy.

I know you do care for me, Coriolanus, I don't doubt it. But it's not the fact you kissed her, it's the feeling of betrayal that I just can't seem to shake. You are my first love, Coriolanus Snow, nothing and no one could ever change that. You gave me a different perspective to this world. 

Please do not give up on me. I do love you, Coriolanus Snow. I have for a long time. You, and you alone, are the key keeper to my heart. But I'm not ready to forgive you just yet. 

Isn't it crazy to think that all along there was an invisible string, tying you to me? Or me to you, even. It's quite funny, the universe didn't even give me compasses or any signs. 

We'll find our way back to each other, I know we will. We'll be alright, Coriolanus.

Please wait for me,
Charlotte Brielle Vanderbilt.

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