09: it's a lyrical masterpiece.

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CHAPTER NINE: it's a lyrical masterpiece

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CHAPTER NINE: it's a lyrical masterpiece.

timothée chalamet
tchalamet • instagram
19.1M followers • 134 posts
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okay so
i get this is really really cheeky of me
but do you still live in manhattan?


okay so
im kind of stranded rn
in manhattan

what about your date?

fucker bailed on me with his friends
im literally stuck here and if i had any other way to get home
believe me i wouldn't be messaging you right now
i feel so rude ohmygod this is humiliating

denny its fine
your date sounds like an asshole
where abouts are you?

i was at this café but i left it a little bit ago
now im walking up this random street
i feel like i should have stayed put but i really needed to
go for a walk i'm so upset

its okay
if you find me a sign i'll come get you

thankyou so much timothée
honestly you are my hero
i'm on fifth avenue i think? theres a bunch of signs saying

okay let me just get dressed and i'll be there

you're a saint
honestly even if you just keep me company until liv can
get me
i just don't really wanna be alone so late at night
i dont expect you to drop me all the way home
i get it dont worry
whatever you'd prefer, arden
i have nothing to do right now so

i'll see you soon then

see you soon


Arden had been sat on the curb for about ten minutes when Timothée had pulled up next to her. At first, with the tinted windows, she was ready to put up a fight. Clutching the pepper spray in her bag, she stood up. Then once the windows rolled down and she was met with a familiar face, she loosened her grip on it and smiled awkwardly. What do you say to the ex boyfriend you dragged out of the house to 'keep you company'?

"A dress in this weather?" He joked, parking his car and getting out of it, now face to face with the girl. Only then had she realised how cold she actually was, and rubbed her arms, shivering slightly as a strong gust of wind passed her. He laughed to himself, shrugging off his jacket and bundling it up in his hands before offering it to her.

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