Chapter 30

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We entered Derek's house, the half burnt down wooden door creaking as it opened. I stepped in, squinting at the darkness. The werewolves with me had no problem seeing in the dark, and I doubted this house still had electricity running, so I reluctantly held onto Isaac's arm to guide me.

He stiffened slightly but didn't say anything, leading me to the living room where some moonlight poured in through the gaps in the ceiling, and I was able to see better. Peter and Derek moved to the left, near the staircase, talking in hushed whispers everyone in the room but me could hear, and Scott took out his phone.

"They found Stiles," he said, reading a text.

"Thank god," I breathed, relief washing through me. "Is he okay?"

Scott pocketed his phone. "Yeah, he's fine."

"I told you, I looked everywhere," Derek snapped, his and Peter's bickering becoming loud enough for my human ears to detect.

Peter shook his head, leaning over the wooden staircase as he said, "you didn't look here."

I didn't like the look of the half-rotted staircase and made sure to keep my distance, Isaac right beside me with his arm still in my grasp.

I watched as Peter heaved the top of one the wooden steps off, chucking it to the side as he picked up something that laid beneath it. He pulled out a large wooden box, settling it on his knees.

"What is that, a book?" Derek questioned.

Peter gave him the side eye. "No, it's a laptop. What century are you living in?"

I snickered at Derek's humiliation, however small, and Derek sent me a scathing look but said nothing. He seemed to have remembered our last encounter at the station and wisely kept his mouth shut.

"A few days after I woke up from a coma I transferred everything we had in here," Peter explained as he opened up the laptop hidden in the box. "Fortunately, the Argents aren't the only ones that keep records."

Peter started taking the laptop into another room just as Scott got a phone call. He gestured for us to go ahead of him, murmuring quietly into his phone. Again, everyone else was able to hear him except me and my lousy ears. Nevertheless, I followed the others into the other room which thankfully had even more light. I couldn't believe Derek lived in a crappy place like this, what with his shiny car and expensive clothing.

Peter set the laptop on the table, typing in the passcode, and waiting as the screen loaded. It was quiet as we waited, no sound except for Peter tapping impatiently on the table. He eventually sighed, shaking his head.

"This is going to take a while."

I held in my groan. We might not have had a while. Still, there was no use complaining about it.

Peter looked around the room before his gaze landed on me, curiosity clear in his face. "So you're the witch."

It wasn't a question, but I nodded my head anyway.

"I've always wanted to meet a witch," Peter said. "Never thought I actually would though."

I gave him an awkward smile. "Well, here I am."

He observed me closely. "Here you are indeed. Tell me, is it true you can rip a man's head from his body with just a thought?"

"Peter," Isaac warned, voice dangerously low.

My lip curled. Just because I was working with Isaac didn't mean I had forgiven him, and I didn't apricate his acting like I had.

"No need for that Lahey," I said cooly, ignoring the surprise and hurt that crossed his features as I turned to Peter. "It is, in fact true, however I find that using gestures with my hand makes it easier to channel my magic."

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