The Green Ninja

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You hungry?” I ask shimming my arms through the chains around me, pulling a granola bar from my pocket, the sound of his stomach growling was an obvious ‘yes.’

I fluttered my eyes and exchanged flirty words with the lower snakes so I could gain some snacks for Lloyd.

I'll be honest, the lower snakes are either ditzly nice, or funny stupid because I literally love them.

“But those are yours.” He mutters looking away from me, in an attempt to stop the sounds.

“Ehh, I'm not hungry.” I lie, opening the package. Although the chains are a bit annoying, they don't do a lot for me thanks to them being made for blocky body types, so I have a lot more mobility in comparison to Lloyd, “Here.” I held it up to his mouth.

He paused.

“Go on. I'll ask them for some more.”

“I don't like when you do.” He frowns pulling away from me. My head tilted confused, “the way you look at them.. and-”

“Don't be stupid.” I interrupted shoving the item into his mouth. His words will only lead him to some stupid argument with me. Just like with saying each other's names.

His expression turned into a glare as he chewed the snack.

“Bring the boy!” Skales shouts. The two of us are pulled forward to Skales and Pythor.

Two serpentine free the kid from his chains.

“Oh, you're letting us go?” He innocently asks.

“Heh, only to fetch, my dear boy. Do step lightly.” Pythor leads him to the ledge, Lloyd almost falls saving himself, thankfully.

“Woah woah woah!” My chest pulled me forward almost causing me to trip over my feet. “Dont-”

“Stay!” Pythor yelled, in an instant his hand wrapped around my neck, slamming me into the wall.

A small cry of pain left my lips before I could stop it.

Lloyd's eyes widen in fear looking at me. Pythor glared over at him, “Bring me the Fangblade, and I'll let you both go.”

My hand wrapped around his purple one, looking over to see Lloyd miraculously avoiding all the traps until I couldn't see him at all.

“It's gone!” His voice echoed out.

“It's gone!?” Pythor yells, tightening his grip on my neck.

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