The Day the Great Devourer Roze

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A cup of tea didn't help settle the nerves traveling through me as the Bounty flew through a thunderstorm.

The mat under me kept me from sliding around, but that was about it.

Kai, Nya, Jay, and I were simply watching over the fangblades during the journey.

“Why is it that Torchfire Mountain is the only place we can destroy the Fangblades?” Nya asks, getting a response from her brother.

“'Cause the Fangblades are made from the original teeth of the Devourer. They're so strong they can only break down in extraordinary heat.”

“Uh, could someone pass the salt?” The Destiny's Bounty tilts, sliding the salt shaker towards Jay. “Hey, thanks.”

Cole comes in, green from air sickness, I wonder if he'd end up also getting sea sick.

“Please. No one talk about food. How much longer until we get there?” He sounds so groggy.

“Not long. Hey, Cole, you're looking a little green over there. How'd you like a mucus salt sandwich?” Cole left the door to go outside and vomit. Jay laughs. “Speaking of green, who would've guessed little Lloyd Garmadon turned out to be the Green Ninja?”

I humed, taking another sip of my warm drink.

“I know. He was such a brat at first. It's hard to believe he's gonna become the greatest ninja that ever lived.” Nya admits.

Kai clears his throat, looking over to me, “Where is that little runt?”

“I don't know, he never came to annoy me last night.” I mutter, shrugging my shoulders.

“Riiiiight” Jay sat his sandwich down, “and the whole Green Mistress thing?”

He just likes drama.

“Like I said before, I control my own fate. It does not. Control. Me.” I sat my cup down watching it move side to side, “We are only. And will ONLY be friendly acquaintances.”

Looks of doubt focused on me.

Jay opened his mouth to say something else except a spark instantly caused me to sit up straight, looking around, disturbed.

“What's wrong?” Nya asks, pushing my cup towards me.

Like gasoline being poured onto a fire, the bad feeling only increased. “I- I don't know… something… there's something wrong with Lloyd.” I gasp out standing to my feet.

“Maybe it's just your nerves.” Kai suggests.

“No- no…” without finishing my statement, I rushed out of the room, following the weird feeling.

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