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𝗙𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚. The only thing Theodore Park has ever known. Before his accident. Before becoming a vampire. Before meeting him. Before anything.

The only thing that made him what he is today. Strong, smart and moral support of his mother. It was like he was built for this! This thrill of knowing your opponent is stronger than you, the adrenaline rush due to being unaware if you'll make it out alive or not.

Sounds crazy, right? But for Theodore Park it was his sense of motivation, his sense of keeping getting better and better and better. . .

"Begin!" The referee blew his whistle making people cheer. It was the Saturday night, with Daniel being gone for a night out with friends, Theodore and Jiwoon decided to make some money blow out some smoke.

His opponent was a huge man, much like a sumo wrestler swinging around his iron club. You see, the reason this fight club gets the most funding is because of their rules.

Like an old competitor/winner gets to use weapons while the newbies like Theodore who are pretty much new are to stay bare handed. A direct death wish it is if it was some inexperienced person but this is Theodore Park we're talking about.

The talented fighter who even defeated death, quite literally. And being a vampire definitely had its own advantages over others. No matter what weight class they were.

The sumo moved first, his club aimed at the raven's head which he dodged pretty easily. Jiwoon was amongst the spectators watching his friend evade every attack.

But the audience was getting bored of it. They wanted to see blood. Fucking savages! Amber eyes made contact with the vampire, Hak nodded slightly. Stormy grey eyes glanced at the timer. He still had twenty minutes to go. 

Deciding to make the game even more interesting, Theodore stopped playing defensive.

Clenching his fist he swung it straight at the solar plexus of his opponent, the use of vampire strength knocking the air out of the heavy man. He grabbed the heavy fat of his stomach and aikido hip-throw him. 

Then proceeding to smash his elbow in the face of the sumo-wannabe before unleashing a flurry of punches, each hit breaking joints and drawing blood.

The gruesome sight only made the people to cheer louder, the bid money over Theodore going up and up with each punch. By the end of the twenty minutes, the raven was covered in blood from head to toe while the sumo man was bruised and unconscious. Almost dead.

"Player 666 wins!" The Referee waved his hand over the sumo's face ten times, lifting Theodore's hand up to declare his win. Jiwoon jumped up onto the raven when the boy got out of the ring, not caring about the blood.

"Three billions, Theo! Can you believe it?" The trickster laughed, squeezing the life out of the raven. Theodore felt a small smile grow on his face while watching his friend talk up a storm.

"I get it, Hak. Let me change first, yeah?"


Theodore ran like there was no tomorrow. "Why are we running?" Jiwoon inquired while following his partner who just kept running like he was being followed by police. Not answering the lavender maniac, the vampire male checked his phone before making a sharp right turn and came face-to-face with the cafe.

"Mind telling me?? Theo?" Hak panted, taking greedy gulps of air. "Mum's here." Theodore straightened out his school uniform, running a hand through his messy hair. The two best friends made anxious eye contact before walking inside the shop, quickly catching everyone's attention.

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