Chapter 28

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A/N - PLEASE READ UNTIL THE END! The chapter gets better as you go on.


I mutter angrily to myself about this stupid dinner party I have to attend tonight as I struggle to put my bow tie on.

I really don't want to go. I hate these dinner parties. They always go on forever, with the adults talking about anything and everything they can.

This is definitely the worst part of being the heir of the French mafia.

Well, just shy of the expectations on my shoulders.

I couldn't skip this meal though, as it was with the Italian mafia.

They're at the top of the mafia food chain. No one dares to ignore or defy them.

As their allies, it's very important I attend. I can't skip this one, sadly.

We don't want to give them the wrong impression, especially since this is the whole reason we've moved out here.

As their closest ally they wanted us closer to their bases and them. It makes it easier for discussions and planning.

It also saves my parents from flying across the world just for some meetings.

We left my grandparents in charge over in France for the time being. I can't wait to go back, I'm not a big fan of my life here.

Also, seeing as this is the only time we've been invited over by them after having moved a year back, there's no way my parents would want to decline.

They stopped hosting dinners after their daughter went missing all of those years ago.

They've invited us, so I'm guessing they've starred to socialise again, or maybe there's something big at play that they need to discuss with my parents, in person.

I take one more look in the mirror to try and fix my slanted tie that won't sit straight before giving up and heading downstairs to where my parents are calling me.

I just want to go back to bed, honestly.

Social functions aren't really my thing.

I might be because I'm a little jealous of the Giovanni brothers though I'd never admit it to anyone.

They're popular and loved by basically everyone even with all the mafia rumours surrounding them, especially the oldest ones.

But the same happens to me, and everyone is completely different.

It's not fair.

My parents lead me into our car.

They both seem excited for this little gathering, the opposite of how I feel.

The whole ride is spent with both of my parents fussing with my clothes, and theirs, trying to make sure there's no imperfections.

My mom frowns when she notices my crooked tie, but even with all of her fussing she can't fix it.

"Hopefully tonight will cheer you up son, I'm sure you'll have a fun time with the Giovanni boys!" My dad says trying to reassure me and cheer me up as we exit the car.

My sour mood these past few days haven't gone unnoticed by my parents.

I even missed school today.

I didn't want to see them, particularly her smiling at him.

I sigh as I stand behind my parents as we are brought into the Giovanni house.

Their house is absolutely stunning, I'll give them that.

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