Chapter 32

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6 weeks later.....


Today I'm finally getting my stupid brace off, well hopefully.

I've had my routine check ups over the past couple of weeks and the doctor was happy with how I was healing, so now is the moment of truth.

I might need to stay in the brace for an extra 2 weeks if she thinks my foot needs it as it hasn't healed fully.

I have not and will not be telling her that I refused to use the crutches, and just hopped everywhere as I can guarantee she'll keep me in the brace.

If my family was around, I was carried, so I haven't done much walking.

My whole family is in the room with me, hoping we get some good news.

Having this brace on is such a pain. I can't do anything fun!

The doctor said that my shoulder is healed, which is great!

As she unwrapped the tight bandage from around my chest to check my ribs, I saw my families eyes darken.

I saw their eyes turn away as they noticed all of the scarring left over.

My bruises were gone but scars had taken their place. They were old but still very visible.

Matheo and Romeo clenched their fists as they saw me flinch at the feeling of the doctor checking my ribs.

She said that they were all seemingly in good positions and that they were stable.

I was hoping they would be or I would have worn that constricting bandage for months for nothing.

It was the most uncomfortable thing ever.

My ribs actually felt pretty good.

The best they ever had.

It didn't hurt to breathe anymore, and whenever I touched them there wasn't intense pain that flowed through my body.

I could sleep peacefully nowadays.

And my chest was actually it's normal colour, not black and blue.

It was an odd sight to see.

It hurt like a bitch the first week of healing but it gradually got better.

The only thing that aggravated me was the long scar on my side from the surgery. That itches a lot, but I can't scratch it or it'll become infected.

She finally moves into my foot and I cross my fingers behind my back.

Please let me get it off today.

"Okay Alina, I'm going to remove your brace and we're going to try and walk on it" my doctor tells me.

She removes my brace in a matter of second with efficiency.

I hop down off of the bed to come face to face with a set of parallel bars in front of me.

"I want you to start off nice and easy using the bars, and if you feel okay doing that we'll try it without them. Does that sound good?" She asks me.

"Yes, thank you."

I sigh as I set my bare foot on the ground, lifting it back up straight away, not used to having no support there.

I grab the railings with both hands and ready myself.

My doctor is at the end and my family is gathered all around the bars watching on.

I take my first step nice and slowly, making sure I keep my death grip on the bars.

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