Awful discovery

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Tracy did my hair as I thought about what to do. I hadn't called Hael in my room since I got to know why he's staying but he still comes in on his own. I didn't stop him because that would raise even more suspicion.

I wonder though, I need to escape but if I want to go and settle somewhere else, I need money. I can't start hoarding money though, I'm sure I'll get caught. I've never saved money before.

I was the type to spend all my monthly allowance. If I start saving it secretly, Tracy and Hael are bound to notice since they come to my room everyday and they accompany me on my outings as well.


That means, I need to buy things that will have high resale prices.

But if I'm running away, I would also need to run away from the aristocratic society, so that no one can find me. If things go the same way they did in the past, and Hael kills everyone, I can also be ruled out as murdered. No one has any reason to look for me.


That's actually so sad... There's no one who would bother to look for me even if they don't find my body amongst the murdered people.

I lowered my head,

It should be understandable though. My father doesn't like me, neither does my brother and following them, no one from the mansion is fond of me either. And all the so-called friends I have are just for show. My circle consists of people like me.

All there to gossip and belittle other people.


A sad sarcastic smile spread on my face as I realized what a shit life I have. Although I can't control my family, I could still have made better friends. But no,

"My Lady," Tracy was done combing my hair, "Your sixteenth birthday is right around the corner,"



What did she just say is right about the corner? I raised my head to look in the mirror, where I could see Tracy's reflection while she looked back at me through the reflection.

My eyes went wide

"Wait, what!?!?!?" I shot my eyes at her as I turned my head around, "My what!?!"

She rolled her eyes at me, "You're turning sixteen in five days, you told me to remind you to write the invitations."

My heart beat started to rise as the dread caused my mind to bog up.

I'm turning sixteen in a few days? Doesn't that mean I have less time than I thought I did?!?

That means I have two years left, not three!!!

MY GOD!?!?!??!

I stood up in a frenzy



I fried my brain the whole day, thinking of what to do. I needed to plan things out even faster knowing I only had limited time left.

I wrote the invitations and sent them out and had the basic necessities done. The Head Maid is supposed to look after the arrangement so I let her do her thing while I spent my time looking for a solution for my problem.

By night fall, I was so mentally drained, I fell asleep the moment my head hit the pillow

But the mental pressure didn't let me sleep for long.

I woke up in the middle of the night feeling thirsty.

"Water," I whispered the word as I looked for my water jug that's usually by my bedside table. I spotted it immediately but as soon as I picked it up, I noticed it was empty

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