How to let go?

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The pain had died down a lot in my ankle, but strong movements still send a jolt of agony. So, I stay put most of the time.

I folded my arms and slumped back thinking about Hael

Where did he go? Why would he just leave so suddenly when he was the one constantly pestering me. It's been like an hour since he left. I was still thinking when a ray of light pierced through the gloom


I heard the faint sound of movement nearby.

Startled, I turned to see where the voice was even coming from??!

It took me some time to get it, but it was coming from right above me!!


I focused on it and it looked like there was the sound of magic being used there.


A few moments passed and I kept my eyes up when suddenly the block above my head began to move.

What the hell?!!

It was a small block, it slid, then moved and some light entered the place. The light itself was dim, but for me who was in pitch black darkness it felt like a lot and even made me cover my eyes with my hands.

What the heck is happening?!?

"My Lady,"


The voice came from above and I forced my eyes to focus. Through the small space made there I saw a part of his face.

"Hael?" No matter how hard I tried, I could actually only whisper because of how weak I felt.

"I got the right spot," He sounded proud of himself and then moved away.

"What are you doing?" I asked but my question was answered pretty quickly when a loaf of bread fell through the crack and landed on my lap


I looked down at it. I couldn't believe it. So, I grabbed it just to see if it was real and indeed it was very real.

"Eat," He said, "You don't need to move now."

I looked up at him in disbelief.

"Oh and this too," He threw something else through the crack and it landed on my lap but it wasn't food. I picked it up to check what it was but I still wasn't sure.

"What's this?" Through the light coming from the removed block, I held the small circular bottle and moved it between my fingers to examine it.

"Salve," He replied, "Use it on your injury." My heart fluttered.

"Oh," I told him I was injured to give him an excuse, but he chose to do something about it.


"I'll be back tomorrow," He began to block the area he made a crack through with the brick he carved out, "This spot is more dangerous than going to the cellar door." He explained and closed the space, "Be sure to eat," And with that there was total darkness again.

I stared at the food and the salve.

My chest and my feelings acted fuzzy, and even though I was in a miserable situation, my ears felt a little bit hot.

I'm not supposed to fall for him again, right?

Yet the hunger got better of me. My stomach growled loudly as the smell of bread reached my nostrils and I couldn't help myself. I grabbed that bread to gobble it down and when I did, I felt so warm inside. The bread was so soft and somehow still warm.

Did he lace it with magic?

Tears stung my eyes again and my heart shook.

This isn't fair

Why is he doing these things for me?


Why is he making things easy yet difficult for me at the same time?

He gave me food so I can survive, but, at the same time, he's giving me affection that's making me lean on him more.

I ate the whole thing as the mixture of emotions tortured me.

Will I ever be able to get out of it?



"I won't be leaving if I don't see Lady Corvina today." It's been two months since I last saw her at her birthday party and since that day there has been no sign of her. I sent some spies here but no one saw her either.

They told me they saw no movements in her room and any other room where she could possibly be.

I'm worried,

"I didn't realize you were this close." Her father was the one who came to receive and now sat in front of me in the guest room.

"We're a lot closer than you think Count Cory," I folded my arms, "Now please, I'm requesting you again. Call her,"

"She's sick," He replied, "She doesn't want to meet anyone."

"That's odd, she told me I can visit her even if she was dying." I passed a professional smile to him.

"She didn't mean it literally." He put on his facade

"I'm sure she did,"

"She's very sick, young lady, and you know how girls her age don't want anyone seeing her in her state."

Sly little bastard

"Let me correct you Count Cory," I maintained my confident posture, "Girls don't like if men see them in that situation, they're perfectly fine if it's their best friend."

"Best friend?" He raised his brow at me.

"Oh?" I leaned forward, "She didn't tell you? Corvina and I are best friends?" I passed him a haughty smile

"Is that so?" He didn't seem to buy it. But I guess that's understandable since we've only ever hung out while shopping. I guess I'll have to change that.

"Yes," I nodded, "And you can't keep her from her best friend now, can you?"

"I'm afraid I'll still have to decline," He was firm, "What if you meet her and then catch her sickness?"

"I'm very sturdy."

"Kids say that all the time, but if you end up getting sick, your father will blame me."


"Oh, okay," I nodded

He smiled, "Thank you for understand,"

"I'll call my father here."

"What?!?" His face immediately went pale, "Call the duke here?"

"Yes, I'll call my father here, so he won't object to anything. I'll explain the whole situation to him, so you don't have to worry," I smirked, "I have no plans of leaving today without meeting her."

"But, young miss,"

"You've been sending me away each time I came for the past two months Count Cory," I glared at him, "I will not leave today without meeting her."

He tried to be subtle about it but I noticed when he balled his fists, "I've been sending you away because Corvina has been sick for the past two months." The words still came out of his mouth professionally.

"That's exactly why I want to see her. What kind of friend would I be if I abandon my friend in this time of need?"


I finally got him in a bind and he shut his mouth. What did he do to her? Does he actually have her locked in a cellar? If yes, then what do I do?

"Okay," He stood up, "But you'll have to wait, Corvina would want to get herself ready before you can meet her."

"I have all the time in the world." An anxious feeling gnawed at my insides but I held myself strong.

He tried to smile, but that fake action ended up cracking, so he just turned around and left.

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