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The Leader walked a step back from Ab In in an attempt to protect him from any potential enemy. Ab In remained silent for the rest of their journey, his eyes glowing as he looked out into the desert.

The Leader had finally realized who the Man without a face was. Although it may have been just a vision, it felt real. "It was as real as my breathing," he said, grateful that he had faced an enemy that few men in this world could. "Facing yourself in any way is a long battle no man can win. The Man without a face will come again. It always comes back. You can never kill that shadow," said Ab In, as if he read the Leader's mind.

Ab In suddenly stopped and gazed at the sky before focusing on the Leader. "This is the last step of our journey. Gates will appear and we have to go through them so we can reach your master."

"I have no master, only you and my people who I must protect. One thing I can't understand is why, until now, I've never encountered any of these gates or battles in the desert," asked the Leader.

"Men often lack patience, making them rush into battles without knowing who they fight or why. As you have done for all these years, they follow other men and their dreams or ambitions. They are only truly ready when peace conquers their soul. You, on the other hand, are a warrior who knows how peace looks and feels. You have faced the demon inside you and are aware of your direction and how to get there. My son, you are free to choose your path, and I am here to help you."

It was a breathtaking sight as the two men approached the gate, with its stunning curved stone structure adorned with flowers and a beautiful woman's figure. The stones shone bright white in the sunlight, making seeing the road ahead challenging. Suddenly, a woman dressed entirely in black, except for her eyes, appeared before them. She sat elegantly before the gate, placing a "Qanun" on her lap, her fingers poised to play a melody. The Leader dismounted from his horse and asked, "Do you want to hear a song of the desert, my lords?" The woman's voice was heavenly, and he was enchanted.

"Yes, my queen. Can I sit and listen to your song, or do I have to keep a distance?" he asked. Ab In was shocked by the Leader's question, but the Leader surprised him even further by taking out his sword and armor, laying them on the ground, and walking towards the woman in black.

The woman in black began playing the first chords, and a unique sound resonated in their ears. The Leader sat before her in a praying position, and the woman's eyes lit up upon seeing him.

 "You have left your sword and armor behind, warrior. Aren't you afraid?" inquired the woman.

 "No, not anymore. I want to hear the song of your heart. I carry no burden except for my memories of the past," replied the Leader to the woman in black. 

On another note, the woman asked another question. "Do you love your past?" "I am who I am because of my past. It doesn't matter whether I love it or not. I have accepted myself as a passenger of the wind," said the Leader. "Are you free?" asked the woman. 

"No, I am not. I am a man with flesh and bones. I will never be free until I become selfless," responded the Leader. The woman in black then began playing her song, and no words were spoken. Ab In sat beside the Leader, and they both listened to the melody peacefully.

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