Not So Heartless After All

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Jimin's pov:

After that, well awkward, conversation I had with Minjeong, we follow Yujin into a larger room than the one before.

But this one was a lot different. This room was a gigantic stadium.

"Woah" I mumble under my breath.

The first thing I noticed was the number of seats. This took up most of the room, and it looks like it could hold hundreds of people.

When you looked up, there was different color lighting that kept flashing colors. It gave the room like an excitingfeeling.

And in the direct center there was a boxing match... cage thing. It looks so professional though, like the kind you would see on tv.

There were many people who were surrounding it talking to one another.

Looking around, there was also other boxers here, some I remember seeing in the hallways at school.

They must be on the school boxing team too.

There were mats set out in one corner of the room where some were practicing. Most of the people here were watching and yelling out random things.

Like my dad when he watches football.

Except my dad... is screaming at a tv that has no feelings.

And is not living...


Once I look around for a little bit more, I realize I am the only nerd here.

Some looked over and gave me a questionable look, while others just ignored me.

If I could ignore me I really would.

Aeri, Chaewon, and Ryujin soon spotted us and walked over.

"What took you guys so long?!" Chaewon asks smirking at Minjeong.

Minjeong just ignores her and keeps walking forward. We all just follow behind her as she heads to the middle of the room.

"This is so cool" I whisper to Ryujin as she ends up walking right next to me.

"I know right, I was like that when Minjeong first brought me here." She says and nods her head at Minjeong.

I follow my eyes to the back of Minjeong's head.

Ryujin seems like such a sweet kid, and the fact that Minjeong pretty much took her under her wing is actually really nice.

Again, I don't know why people think Minjeong is cold-hearted.

Sure, she has a 'reputation' of doing... not the nicest things from being her trouble maker self.

But it doesn't mean she's heartless.

People need to stop basing their lives off Netflix...

Unless it's F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

I have high expectations.

"Ryujin how long have you been fighting?" I ask. I mean, she is only a sophomore, so I can guess that she hasn't done boxing as long as some of the other girls.

"Only a year." She says and shrugs.

Aeri, who is walking in front of us, turns around. "Yeah, only a year and she still is able to kick some serious ass."

At this, Ryujin looks up and smiles. I end up smiling too.

We walk up to an older looking guy who is talking to one of the girls boxing.

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