Chapter 23

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He had a nightmare and now he can't sleep.

That's why he's standing in the doorway to Bruce's room, wondering if he should go in or not.

Normally he would go to Floyd, but he needed to rest a bit more, so he came here.

But now he's second guessing himself..

Should he really wake up his brother..?

He sighed, getting ready to leave.


Branch quickly looked to the bed where Bruce was staring at him.

"Come here, buddy, what happened? You look a bit frightened.."

He whimpered and hurried over to Bruce, cuddling up to him.

Bruce hugged him tight, "Come on, kid. Talk to me, what happened?"

He took a deep breath, "Nightmare, stupid nightmare..."

He kissed Branch's head, "It ain't stupid if it upsets you."

He whimpered, "I woke you up.."

Bruce nodded, "And I'm very proud of you for that, it must of taken a lot of courage for you to come to me, hm?"

He nodded and cuddled closer, "I was gonna go to Floyd, but he needs rest.."

Bruce nodded and smiled, "You know who else needs rest?"

Branch looked up at him.

He smirked, "You do."

Branch huffed and tried to wiggle away, "No! How dare you lure me in here and trap me!"

Bruce laughed and playfully brushed his fingers against Branch's side, which made Branch nearly scream and try to jump away, "Bruce!" He squealed.

He smirked, "Oh ho about that? Did you get more ticklish?"

Branch pouted, "Shut up!"

He hummed, "If you promise to go to sleep I promise not to tell Clay about this."

The thought of Clay knowing about this made Branch pale, "Y-You wouldn't.." he said weakly.

"Oh, but I would." Bruce said.

Branch bit his lip, "Okay! I'll sleep, just don't tell, Clay! I swear he's been waiting for the perfect opportunity to jump me!"

Bruce chuckled, "Oh yeah, he is. When you were just a tiny thing, he would always be able to make you squeal so loud that you could shatter vases and windows with how high your voice got!"

Branch pouted and layed face down with a groan, "I knoooowwwww..."

He grinned and layed down next to his baby brother, "You used to love it, you know? You would run up to Clay and raise your arms, begging him to tickle you."

Branch turned bright red and covered Bruce's mouth, "Bedtime!"

Bruce laughed and nodded, "Bedtime."

Bruce wins.

Big bros vs. Sleepy Baby broМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя