Chapter 42

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Branch huffed and pouted as Boom tried to rock him to sleep, he told him he doesn't wanna take a nap!

He pushed at Boom who just held him a bit tighter.

"Come on, you know you need a nap, little guy.." Boom looked around, trying to find something that could help him with Branch.

He grinned when he saw Ablaze fast asleep on the couch.

"Branch? Do you wanna be like Ablaze when you grow up?"

"No. I wanna be like Branch!"

Boom chuckled, "Well, I guess I worded that wrong, do you love Ablaze?"

"I love him lots!" The toddler cheered with a wide smile.

Boom directed Branch's attention to Ablaze, "I think he wants you to sleep with him!"

He gasped, "Oh no! Is Ablaze having a nightmare without you cuddling him?" He asked, watching as the older male shifted in his sleep.

Branch gasped, eyes going wide, "Oh no! I gotta help 'Baze! Uppie, Boom!"

Boom chuckled and carried him over to Ablaze, laying him on his chest, "Now just fall asleep, bubby. I'm sure it'll soothe his nightmares and he'll only have happy dreams!"

Branch nodded firmly, cuddling up to Ablaze, "I make the scary go away!"

Boom smiled softly as he watched Branch yawn and fight sleep for a few minutes, then he finally fell asleep.

Boom wins.

Big bros vs. Sleepy Baby broWhere stories live. Discover now