Chapter 82- leave the desert

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"What, why did it suddenly explode?" Xu Fang was startled and his mouth became bald.

Shen Xiuze snatched the meteorite that Lin An had already held in his hand: "Don't eat it yet. Wait until we get to Baize City and study it."

Lin An stared at the snatched meteorite with tears in his eyes: "But , but I already ate it last time."

There was no problem last time!

"Don't take chances. It might have been an accident last time. Your body happened to be short of energy, so you ate meteorites to replenish the missing energy. It didn't explode due to excess energy. It's also possible that the composition of each meteorite is different. In short, it can't be Eat." Shen Xiuze was not swayed by Lin An's aggrieved expression.

Others also advised him one by one. If Lin An ate a meteorite and it really exploded, then where would they cry?

Lin An reluctantly watched the meteorite being handed to Wu Duo by Shen Xiuze, and then put into the space, and its breath disappeared immediately.

He knew that everyone was doing it for his own good, but when he saw the meteorite, he was like a hungry man who saw roast chicken. Although he knew that eating roast chicken would cause diarrhea, when he was hungry, he wanted to take a few bites even if he had diarrhea. .

Shen Xiuze couldn't bear it, but he wouldn't take risks.

Lin An was depressed all morning because of this matter. After a few people finally discussed it, after they left the Eye of the Desert, they temporarily gave Lin An the meteorite as big as his head.

Not letting him eat, just letting him hold.

Lin An would need to bite such a big meteorite for a long time if he wanted to eat it, so they would stay nearby. Once Lin An couldn't control himself and wanted to bite, the meteorite would be taken away and put back into the space.

Therefore, Lin An had to restrain himself if he wanted to hold the meteorite all the time.

The energy escaping from the meteorite is good for both zombies and superpowers, so that everyone's superpowers can also be improved.

Lin An agreed. Since he couldn't eat it, holding it and taking a look at it would satisfy his craving.

The hungry little zombies can only boulder to satisfy their hunger.

The next day, all the weapons were put into Udo's space, and they packed their luggage and prepared to set off.

It was still a cloudless day today, and the temperature was slowly rising. Lu Li, wearing a mask, stood there indifferently.

Ouyang Dong glanced at him again and again. He already felt hot, but when he saw Lu Li in full armor, he felt even hotter. What was wrong with him? He was dressed like this on a hot day, so he wasn't afraid of getting prickly heat.

When everyone got in the car, Shen Xiuze looked out the window and said coldly: "Let's go, no need to send you off."

"I'm not sending you off." Lu Li's dull voice came from under the mask, and he was beaten by Shen Xiuze again. And it was specifically aimed at the face, so he finally understood. This guy Shen Xiuze is just pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger. What kind of A-level superpowers? What A-level superpowers beat S-level superpowers every day until they are unable to fight back.

He suspected that this guy did it on purpose and deliberately said that he was Class A just to beat him up.

Must be jealous of his looks!

His smoky gray eyes glared at Shen Xiuze several times angrily, and then looked at Lin An, who was sitting in the back row. His eyes instantly softened. Shen Xiuze had been so defensive these days that he failed to find a chance to talk to him. Lin An talks again.

The Socially Anxious Little Zombie Forced OutdoorsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz