Chapter 6: Triumph Or Descent?

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Cyrus POV:

Years ago, I trudged through the forest with my hunting rifle in hand, mindful of the time as my wife was back at the cabin, and I didn't want her alone for too long. As I heard the nearby rustling of a deer, I crouched down and used my hunting skills to approach the majestic buck. Just as I was about to take my shot, a sudden whooshing sound startled me.

Lowering my gun and looking around, I was dismayed to find that the deer had vanished, leaving only a trail of blood in its wake. "Damn it," I muttered in frustration before making my way back.

Suddenly, I was knocked off my feet and sent sprawling across the ground. As I scrambled back to my knees, I saw a creature with glowing white eyes standing before me. "Ahh!" I screamed in terror and bolted away from the scene.

Running towards the cabin, I crossed a creaky wooden bridge, the sound of pursuit driving me to panic as I sprinted across the planks and finally reached the safety of the cabin.

The entrance to the cabin had been forced open, and I rushed inside, calling out for my wife. Frantically searching every room, my heart sank as I noticed a trail of blood leading to the basement door, which bore a deep claw mark.

Taking a deep breath, I slowly opened the door and descended the stairs, straining to be as quiet as possible. On the basement floor, I discovered the lifeless body of my wife, a terrible wound in her chest and her eyes gouged out.

The suspected creature finally revealed itself, slowly advancing and baring down on me with a menacing snarl. Overwhelmed with grief and anger, I leaped up and grappled with the monster, raining down furious punches.

In the struggle, I managed to wrench an old ring from the creature's hand, immediately sensing the potent power it held. More of the creatures appeared, and I realized that the ring was used to control them, fuelling my desire for vengeance.

With a surge of vengeful determination, I commanded the creatures to turn on their master, and they viciously tore the original creature apart. Then, turning to my wife's lifeless form, I lifted her and began to walk away, now driven by a newfound sense of purpose and the real divine power I held in my hand. "Oh, the possibilities" I murmured, gazing at the ring.

George POV:

As I dashed through the open field, Matilda's laughter trailed behind her, filling the air with infectious joy. She adored our game of "chase the princess," and I couldn't help but be swept up in her enthusiasm. The sun was rapidly ascending, casting a warm glow over the landscape, and Matilda was determined to lead me to a stunning cliff that overlooked the ocean.

As we stood on the precipice, gazing at the breath-taking sunset, I couldn't help but voice my admiration. "It's so beautiful," I murmured, my eyes lingering on Matilda.

She turned to me, a soft smile gracing her lips as she looked out at the vast expanse of the ocean. "Yes, it truly is," she agreed.

"It's not the ocean I'm admiring," I confessed, drawing her close as I wrapped my arm around her.

In response, Matilda tenderly intertwined her fingers with mine. "I love you, George," she said, her gaze meeting mine. "Our happiness knows no bounds from this moment on."

Henry POV:

"Yes, it does, Matilda," George murmured in his unconscious state, speaking to someone only he could see. Louisa, by his side, gently dabbed his forehead with a cold rag, her eyes filled with concern as she observed George's restless state. It was clear to me that George's sole desire was to find Matilda and rescue her.

Outside the room, the unsettling sounds of the Wendigo creatures echoed through the corridors. In Ellsworth's room, I unearthed crucial notes detailing the creatures and providing vital information on how to defeat them.

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