Chapter 8: Final Confrontation

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George POV:

In the office, my mind raced with thoughts on how I could possibly be immune to the Wendigo Curse. The logic behind it seemed inexplicable. Just then, Louisa finished her water, stood up, and declared, "It's time to find Henry and put an end to all of this," her determination palpable.

Extending the revolver towards her, I offered, "Take it. You'll need it."

Louisa accepted the weapon, quickly checking the ammo before casting a concerned glance my way. "What will you use?" she inquired.

Drawing my dagger, I replied, "This blade has proven to be highly effective against the Wendigos." As I sheathed the dagger and delved deeper into Dr. Malcolm's notes, I uncovered the revelation that Cyrus wielded a ring infused with mystical energy to control the Wendigos.

Louisa approached me and took the dagger from my hand, studying the inscription intently. "I recognize this," she remarked. "Cyrus had this in his office. I stole it when the outbreak began."

I reclaimed the knife. "Okay. Do you have any idea where Cyrus might be hiding? We need to find him."

Louisa let out a sigh, running a hand over her face. "He had two offices. One is on the other side of the courtyard, but his main office is located on the top floor of this building."

As we debated our next move, I suggested, "Let's investigate his main office." I reached out to touch the door handle, but a noise from the other side made me pause. Sensing danger, I quickly stepped back just as the door exploded inward, revealing a horde of Wendigos outside.

Louisa and I instinctively retreated, using Dr. Malcolm's desk as a makeshift barricade. The Wendigos crashed through the door, but to our surprise, they halted in their tracks. Among them, a figure emerged, and recognition dawned on me immediately.

There stood Cyrus, surrounded by the eerie creatures, a malevolent grin playing on his lips. "Oh, I see you've put the pieces together," he taunted, his voice dripping with malice. "My dear George, you're not looking too good."

I mustered my courage and confronted him. "Cyrus, you despicable coward. You orchestrated all of this to get back at me," I accused, my voice filled with anger and betrayal.

Cyrus intertwined his fingers, his gaze unwavering. "My sister... You took her from me. You promised to look after her," he accused, his words laced with bitterness and sorrow.

I averted my gaze, unable to bear the weight of Cyrus's accusations. "Her death was not my doing," I asserted quietly, my voice tinged with sorrow.

Cyrus's eyes blazed with fury as he spat out his words. "Lies!" he hissed, his voice filled with venom. "You led my sister astray, got her pregnant, and her death is on your hands. If you hadn't entangled her in your web, she would still be alive."

Defending myself, I unfolded my arms and met his accusatory gaze. "She loved me, Cyrus. I never intended for any harm to come to her. I am not to blame for what happened," I stated firmly, my tone resolute.

With a menacing gesture, Cyrus raised his hand, his intentions clear. "I will relish every moment of your demise, George, just as I enjoyed disposing of Mr. Smith," he sneered before turning away, a chilling promise hanging in the air.

At the mention of Henry's name, Louisa's fury boiled over, and she drew her revolver, taking aim at Cyrus. In a swift motion, Cyrus flicked his wrist, and a Wendigo leaped in front, shielding him from the gunfire. The creatures surged forward, driven by a primal instinct to attack.

As I backed away, my hand brushed against the desk, and a glint caught my eye. Instinctively, I reached out and grasped the object, thrusting it forward. A mysterious power emanated from it, causing the Wendigos to recoil in agony, their forms starting to smoulder as they retreated.

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