90. - The Spring of Mists.

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        After the entire fiasco with the Primal Dragon of Fire at the peak of the volcano, me, Odale and the newest member to my side Frindel returned to the surface, before reuniting with Wezrall.
Of course I had to explain to him everything about Odale and more importantly Frindel, however he was shockingly understanding and even stated the classic:
[Wezrall] "I'd expect no less from you my Lord!"

Reminds me of some... Other subordinates of a different isekai story. They just have too much faith in me man.

Anyways— After we had gathered all our stuff, Frindel helped us leave the Village of Embers as well as exit the thick fog that we had found ourselves inside of - allowing us to be back on the track that led towards the final destination of Yiinao.

Honestly, at the time, I had thought to myself:
'Hopefully things die down for now...'.

Yeaahh.... Not a smart thing to do.
You'd expect me to have jinxed some bad event occuring, but surprisingly - nothing bad happened. If anything, it was actually kind of chill for a while.

The only thing that really was annoying, was Frindels constant... Tantrums lets just say. Okay, they weren't exactly tantrums - more just her acting like a child.
Which was very strange considering her identity. I mean - you'd never in a million years expect a god like dragon to act like a fucking child.

But that's besides the point....
All of that has passed anyway - so let me just get you caught up with the present now.

    6 Days after leaving
        the Village of Embers...

        I was peacefully resting, wrapped around Wezralls neck as he controlled the carriage. Odale was inside the carriage, reading away at some scrolls I had found inside the Primordial Volcano while I was exploring it.
I had tasked him with deciphering these scrolls, as the language in them wasn't one I could read.

What was Frindel up to?

[Frindel] "Come on Wezrall! Allow me to carry Master around my neck."

She demanded from the Wendigo King.
Wezrall looked a bit annoyed, however at the same time a bit nervous - almost like he didn't want to say 'no' to her.

[Wezrall] "I'm sorry Ms.Frindel but I cannot force Lord Faofa to go and rest around your neck.."

He replied with slight uncertainty in his voice.
Frindel exhaled loudly, looking at me.

[Frindel] "Come on Master! This is not fair! You have only rested around Wezralls neck every time you took on your true form!"

I looked at her for a moment with a slightly sour expression before looking away, closing my eyes. Frindel gasped, tearing up a bit.

[Frindel] "Don't ignore me!"

She then sighed heavily, dropping down into the carriage all gloomy and causing Odale to pick up his gaze towards her.

[Odale] "Oh, Lady Frindel - Would you care to help me decipher these scrolls?-?"

[Frindel] "Not now Odale... Can't you see I'm sad."

Odale laughed lightly and slightly nervously, before returning his attention back to the scrolls.

Wezrall remained silent for a bit, before sighing.

[Wezrall] "My Lord, why do you refuse to rest with Ms.Frindel? Surely there is a solid reason."

I didn't reply at first and simply opened one eye to look at Wezrall, before closing it again.
I then exhaled, lifting my head up to Wezralls head level.

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