93. - Finally, the Corruption is Gone.

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       I felt like I was floating. I couldn't open my eyes or my mouth, however I could feel my body and the area around me. It was... A strange feeling.
I felt conscious and unconscious at the same time - it is kinda hard to explain. It was almost like I was on the edge of death, while also still full of life.

It just felt weird.

'What even happened...?'

You were consumed by the Evil.

Ancient One?
I can still hear his voice - that means I haven't died yet. I am still alive - which was definitely a massive relief.
I sort of mentally sighed, before 'smiling' to myself.

'I see... So that's why I couldn't control what I was doing..'

But I must ask now Master - How are you feeling? Is anything wrong?

Anything wrong..?

Other than being unable to open my eyes noir talk, I didn't feel like there was anything wrong with me - atleast, not on the surface.
Who knows, maybe there is some deep soul damage that I am unable to feel.

'Not really.. But why can't I open my eyes or talk?'


.....It is a little complex to explain.

'Just do it. I'm sure I'll understand.'


Ancient One seemed hesitant - for the first time since I've had him join me on my journey. The entire time, he has felt like the most confident fellow - someone who almost never doubts or hesitates.
However, in this moment - I could tell that he was hesitant.... No, not just hesitant - he was extremely hesitant to tell me anything.

However, it seemed like that hesitation wasn't a very long one, as the Ancient One sighed.

Very well.
If you insist - I shall comply and explain.

'Good.. now then- What's the deal with my strange feeling right now?'

You are currently in the middle of what is known as 'The Abyss'.

I exclaimed in my mind, immediately wanting to open my eyes so badly.
'The Abyss'? As in - the one that Arabor had a strong connection to? There was no way that I was actually inside of it... How did I even get in here?

You - or more specifically, your soul - was transported to the Abyss the moment the Evil completely consumed you.

Usually, this would result in you becoming nothing more but a Magical Energy meal for the Abyss, as it would dissolve your soul and take your Magical Energy as its own.


'Let me guess - I am immune to that?'

Not exactly.
While you aren't effected by it - You definitely aren't immune to it persay.

Now I am confused.
If I wasn't immune to it, but still wasn't effected by it at the same time, wouldn't that mean that... I was immune to it? — Confusing sentence.

You are unique, as thanks not only to your legendary skill [Warlock] but also to the very nature of Arabor, the Lord of Abyss being inside you — The Abyss has effectively...

Treated you as a guest - to put it simply.
It doesn't even try to dissolve or absorb you and your power.

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