Chapter Two

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Several months later~

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Several months later~

I couldn't get used to the sunlight reflecting on my pale complexion. Even after all this time, the blue sky and puffy white clouds were still foreign to me. It's our first mission outside of the walls. Isabel is filled with wonder, whereas Furlan is quite the opposite.

"This is terrible. I never meant to leave the walls. Where's that bastard Erwin hiding?"

"Don't worry," I reply. "I'll do something about the Titans."

"I don't care how good you are! These are Titans!"

I give him a cold look. "Don't you trust me?"

"It's not that I don't trust you..."

"Leave it to me, Furlan! I'll take care of those Titans lickety-split!" The smaller redhead of our group interjects.

Another scout glares over his shoulder at us. "Oi! Enough chatter! The Titans aren't as soft as you think! You think a few punks from the underground have a chance against them?"

Our captain gets in between Isabel and Sairam. "Calm down. We have to prepare the new drill formation. Titans could show up at any time. Don't disrupt the ranks."

As if on cue, there's a Titan spotted. The squads get slowly taken out with the now clearly abnormal coming towards us. After the neighboring squad's leader is chewed up and our own is shaking in his boots, I know the three of us need to step into action.

"You little punk! What are you doing?" the squad leader shouts at me.

"You said I shouldn't underestimate the Titans, right? Then why are we using these half-assed tactics to fight them? Isabel, Furlan, let's go!"

We get closer, the Titan swinging its arms as it's running. This will make things harder. "I'll cling to it and draw the Titan's attention. You two break its knees and immobilize it. Got that?" They nod in affirmation and we set to our tasks. Jumping up from my horse with the ODM gear, I dig my blades into the Titan's back, clinging on for dear life. I can hear the other two whizzing underneath. I feel the body caving to gravity and know that it is time to give the death blow. Standing over the neck of the Titan, I slice my blade across the nape as we were taught to do and carefully hop down to the others.

"Oh man! That was awesome, Levi!"

"You both did well, too," I tell them, looking away. Looking over my shoulder, my eyes meet Erwin Smith's. There's a half-smile but something even more underneath the surface that I cannot pinpoint.

Actually, I can.


We arrive at an abandoned castle building

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We arrive at an abandoned castle building. People immediately settle in and spend time congratulating us on our takedown of the Titan. I lean against a brick wall, waiting for the other two to meet me.

"Aren't your two subordinates with you?" Erwin Smith says, startling myself out of deeper thoughts.

I huff. "They're not my subordinates."

"I see. So how are you adjusting to military life?"

"Lousy. All anyone ever talks about is the Titans, with that stifling look on their face."

"Of course. The survey attracts people like that."

I scoff, meeting his eyes for the second time today. "I'm sure, with you at the top of the list."

He ignores the jab. "Your fight today was brilliant. You defeated an abnormal so easily on your first expedition. I'm sure having a natural around will make the others feel safer."

Narrowing my eyes, I glare at him. "Back there, there was a soldier who fought it first and got eaten. I figured out how to fight that Titan because I watched how it moved while eating him."

"I see. As you've realized, the Survey Corps was built upon countless such sacrifices. There are still too many things we don't know about the outside world, but if it means taking back the world for humanity, I'm sure none of them regret dedicating their hearts to the cause. Not one." It goes quiet and he's daring me to say something else. There's a knowing in his eyes that I cannot tell if it's my paranoia or if he truly knows that we've been sent to take documents from him.

"Levi!" Isabel yells, getting my attention in the nick of time. "So sorry I'm late! I finished changing so you can come back now!"

I hurriedly walk alongside her, further away from the tall man. "What kind of reason is that, idiot?"

She giggles. "Sorry, I saw you two staring each other down and panicked."

We meet back up with Furlan, sitting in the corner of the common area. "So you didn't find any of the papers?" I ask, already knowing the answer. "The only possibility left is he must keep them on him at all times. In the end, we've got to kill him."

"I was watching you, at the crucial moment!"

My hand goes to my weapon, startled by the dark-haired woman in glasses. "What do you mean?"

"What do I mean?" She scoffs. "When you defeated the Titan, of course! It was incredible! I boiled over with excitement despite myself!"

Unsure of what to do with this woman, I clear my throat awkwardly. "Thanks."

"I'm Hange Zoe. You're Levi, aren't you? That girl is Isabel...and you are?"

"Furlan," he replies enthusiastically.

She plops down beside him and Isabel. "Right, right, Furlan. Nice to meet you!" She turns her attention to me. "Levi, you didn't go through the training corps, did you? How did you get so good at vertical maneuvering?"

"I practiced. A lot."

"You taught yourself?! It was hard for me even to get my balance with the belts at first. Is there some secret to getting to the next level?"

"Not really." I just really want this woman to leave.

"Wow, you state it so plainly. Even a small hint would be good though. Everyone would like to know."

"I'll pass. Sorry, but I'm tired."

"I see. Sorry to disturb your rest. If you come back alive, I'll treat ya to a meal." With that, she waves and walks away.

"Hey, Levi," Isabel starts, getting my attention. "I don't get all that stuff about taking back the world for humanity, but these guys think it's worth dying for, don't they?"

I don't have an answer. My hand rubs the top of her head in a brotherly way. That's enough for Isabel.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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