22. Intimacy

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As the months have progressed, Akshu has now entered her seventh month of pregnancy

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As the months have progressed, Akshu has now entered her seventh month of pregnancy.

Her well-being is meticulously attended to by everyone, with a deliberate avoidance of activities that may induce stress. Despite this, a prevailing sentiment of boredom pervades her experience within the confines of the room.

While she genuinely appreciates the care bestowed upon her, the aspect she finds challenging is the consistent use of home remedies, well-intentioned as they are. Unfortunately, the taste often proves disagreeable, a side effect amplified by the nuances of pregnancy hormones.

Currently, they find themselves gathered in the living room, engaging in lively conversation. Akshu, Abhi, and Sam occupy the sofa across from Sukaniya and Akshay, while the two boys are seated on the adjacent right sofa.

"Bhabhi, your baby bump looks adorable. I'm eagerly anticipating the arrival of our little one, whether it's a boy or a girl,"

Sam expressed joyfully, gently placing her hand on Akshu's bump from her position to Akshu's right.

Akshu responded with a warm smile in acknowledgment of Sam's joyful expression.

"Heyy, everyone, listen up,"

Aarav exclaimed, capturing the attention of the gathered group.

"Let's bet, on whether it's a boy or a girl"

"Wow that's a good idea"

Sam responded clapping her hands like a kid

"In the event of the newborn being a girl, those who wagered on a baby boy are obligated to procure me a Mercedes-Benz, and vice versa."

The assembly erupted in laughter in response to his spoken words.

"Hey, that seems unjust. Why should only you receive it? It should be accessible to everyone who's correct"

Ansh humorously commented on him, highlighting his self-centered contemplations.

Aarav huffed in a childlike manner and acquiesced, expressing agreement with him.

"Okay, what about, those who correctly anticipate the baby's gender shall enjoy an increased allocation of time for holding the infant."

Sukanya proposed her insights, prompting a collective exchange of glances among everyone, who acknowledged with mutual agreement that it was indeed a commendable idea.

While everyone deliberated on choosing between a baby girl or baby boy, Akshita remained occupied in admiring the joy and excitement radiating from all family members. She cherished those moments, yearning to perpetuate their happiness.

However, her mind harbored a different sentiment. A sense of unease enveloped her, as if forewarning of impending trouble. A premonition lingered, hinting at something adverse, perhaps.

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