23. Goodbye

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Approaching the eighth month of pregnancy, Akshu becomes more cautious, avoiding stress and taking measures to ensure a calm and relaxed environment as she nears her delivery date

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Approaching the eighth month of pregnancy, Akshu becomes more cautious, avoiding stress and taking measures to ensure a calm and relaxed environment as she nears her delivery date.

Abhi, in a display of unwavering support, decides to prioritize caring for Akshu by stepping away from work, focusing solely on being there for her during this crucial time in her pregnancy.

Today, it's just Sam and Akshu in the house, with Abhi engaged in important work and her mother-in-law and father-in-law away in the village. Adding to the solitude, Aarav is away at college, and Ansh is at the office. The absence of the rest of the family members creates a quieter atmosphere, leaving only Sam and Akshu to share the day.

In the home theater, both Sam and Akshu are immersed in watching movies, enjoying a moment of relaxation. Their leisurely time is interrupted when the doorbell rings, signaling an unexpected interruption to their movie session.

"Stay right here, Akshu. Let me find out who's at the door,"

Sam assures, taking charge and heading to check the unexpected visitor.

Akshu nods in agreement, settling back to enjoy herself in the home theater while Sam takes the initiative to open the door and address the unexpected visitor.

As Sam reaches the door, she opens it, discovering a delivery boy waiting to deliver some parcels. After accepting the parcels and exchanging payment, as she's about to close the door, a sudden loud scream echoes, catching her attention.

Realizing the scream was Akshu's, Sam drops the parcel from her hands and rushes to the home theater. There, she finds Akshu sitting with blood, a sight that instantly fills the atmosphere with urgency and concern.

Sam rushes to Akshu, attempting to help her stand, but Akshu is overwhelmed with pain, unable to move. Her screams pierce through the air, emphasizing the intensity of the situation.

"Akshu, Akshu, stand up. We have to go to the hospital. Come on, you have to try to stand up,"

Sam urges, attempting to support her and coax her into standing. However, Akshu is unable to move, and the urgency for hospital care becomes more apparent.

"Sam, I can't. It's paining like hell. I feel like I'm going to die. Please, Sam, do something. Call Abhi. Call him. Fast,"

Akshu panics, the pain and the continuous bleeding intensifying. The urgency to seek help becomes paramount.

Understanding the gravity of the situation and acknowledging that she can't handle it alone, Sam swiftly grabs her phone and attempts to call Abhi. She helps Akshu to sit on the couch, trying to manage the critical moment as she reaches out for the needed support.

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