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time skip ; 1 day before basketball game

no one's pov

the basketball team was off practice today as they needed a day to rest

yoona spent this day focusing in class instead and doing work to advert her attention and to relieve stress

when she tells people shes stressed about the game and stuff, the only response she would get is "dont worry! you're really good so why do you need to worry" except shotaro and seunghan who understands her and relates

obviously she feels stressed to keep this name of being the "good short player"

she may be really skilled but obviously she was scared too, but she went on with her day hiding all this stress and trying to push it down using school work

once again they're at the lunch table and yoona is solving math questions and writing essays as sungchan is feeding her

each bite she took she looked up to look at the boy who was paying attention to her and talking to the others as if feeding the girl was a really casual thing to do

she suddenly wonders if the two are really just friends, but she shook off her thoughts quickly continuing her school work

school ended with shotaro seunghan and yoona huddling to cheer themselves up for the game tomorrow as sungchan watches the girl fondly, so is kazuha who is watching her boyfriend cheer with a biggest smile on his face

"goodluck guys!!" everyone cheers for each other as the group starts to scatter and leave the school building

sungchan is being extremely clingy towards yoona today, literally hugging her right arm as they walk to the car

"dont forget our little date today" he reminds yoona for the 3rd time as he couldnt hide his smile

"yes jung sungchan, we have a date today at 8pm, dont dress cute just wear your clothes, got it" yoona repeats also for the 3rd time today

the two made it into the car and chatted on random topics until they reached the girl's house

"ill see you at 8 okay? dont stress over what to wear and what to do with your hair just, it doesnt matter how you look okay? ill see you" sungchan reminds the girl once again to not stress over this so called "date"

she waves the boy goodbye and the moment she enters the house, shes in shambles

shes hopping and skipping everywhere, giggling like a maniac as her heartthrob at the thought of going on a date with jung sungchan

she goes to her room and takes a nap till 730pm so make sure she has time to brush her long wavy hair

as her alarm rang, she quickly got up to do just that, brush out her hair

she puts on a tad bit of body mist so she doesnt smell like shit (she showered already guys not stinky)

then she puts on the comfy sweatpants and hoodie sungchan borrowed her

right on time she got a text from sungchan saying he's here already

yoona practically skips down the stairs and exits the house to see a jung sungchan with messy hair and bangs almost covering his eyes, a loose white tshirt with black sweatpants makes him look soo good

yoona stares at the boy for awhile because st school he looks more put together, but this messy side of him was very attractive

"done starring?" he says as yoona blushes

"lets go" she quickly walks to the passenger seat and enters the car causing the boy to giggle

as they drive off, he plays chill rnb music setting the vibes in the car

"your outfit looks good" sungchan compliments the girl in his clothes

"of course, theyre yours" she chuckles

soon they ended up at an empty park with grass abit higher in the city

he lays a picnic mat done on the ground and lays some lights and pillows

"its not much i know but i just wanted to take you driving and stargazing to relieve some stress" sungchan explains as he sits on the mat patting the surface next to him

yoona with a bright smile took a seat next to the boy as well

"woah the stars are so bright today..." yoona comments

sungchan who is sitting next to her turns to face her to watch the girl's wide grin at the sight of bright stars

"sungchan this is just beautiful, thank you so much" she says in full sincerity

"i know it can get stressful sometimes even tho you're skilled, people set up these expectations of you and you feel the need to meet those unrealistic expectations" he says as yoona began to tear up

"omg dont cry, wait im sorry i should have said that" sungchan holds the girl as a few tears falls from her face

"you just described it, i-i dont know why im tearing up honestly this is stupid" the girl laughs at herself

"yoona its okay, its okay to he stressed and cry maybe thats all you need to-" before the boy could finish he was interrupted

yoona quickly leans her face close to sungchan's face connecting their lips for a brief second before letting go

"omg im sorry i didnt mean to do that"  yoona panicked as sungchan was still shocked by the sudden action

he touched his lips as a smile grew on his face

"can i kiss you again?" sungchan asks the girl as she slowly nods

this time sungchan moved his body to completely face the girl whilst cupping her cheeks with one hand and grabbing her neck with the other

he leans slowly connecting the two's hungry lips, his hands travels down to her waist holding it to deepen the kiss

she slithers her arms up his chest while the other goes to play with his fluffy hair, she could feel the boy smile in between the kiss

the two let go to catch their breaths

the moment they met eyes again, they couldnt help but would burst into giggles after sharing a kiss

sungchan could only feel happiness as he finally kissed her

the two would just sit in silence and enjoy the view, sungchan pecking her cheek from time to time

sungchan was one needy man, he grabbed yoona's arm and placed it on his head, asking for her to play with his hair

"i liked it when you did it while we kissed" he would say then giggle at himself as yoona blushes at the bold request

sungchan is now laying on the girl's lap as she continues to play with his fluffy hair as the two share an uncontrollable wide grin

"thank you so much sungchan, for this and for, everything" the girl thanks as the boy gets up to plant a kiss on her jawline

"anything for you princess" <3


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