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exam week ;

no one's pov

the past few days have been challenging for the students

karina, kazuha, wonbin and shotaro would frantically ask yoona and anton questions before exam starts at the lockers

sungchan would just holds onto his girlfriend's arms or when he's feeling extra clingy, he would wrap his arms around her waist and rest his head on the crook of her neck as he listens to her ramble on information he already had stuck in his head

sometimes almost falling sleeping on the girl's shoulder from listening to her voice only to earn a forehead flick from the girl

"hey wake up! exams are about to start" she would wake him up as he whines about how he doesnt want to go but eventually he leaves after yoona promises him a kiss after school

during lunch, the 10 brings material and notes to the lunch table and multi-task by eating and exchanging material and asking questions

except for yoona who revises her notes with sungchan as he feds her till her cheeks are full

"hey thats too much i cant talk!!" yoona says muffled whenever sungchan would feed her too much food just to see her cheeks puff up making him melt into a smile

after school the 10 would have group studies but either way sungchan and yoona would always be the last to leave because 1. its yoona 2. they want to enjoy some alone time

but today would be different

its the last day of exam and the 10 decided to go to the amusement park for a little celebration

as the final exam ended and the bell rang, the school was filled with cheers and claps and students rushed out of class

"its finally over oh my god" anton sighs in relief as yoona agrees

"hey" sungchan leans towards the window next to yoona's seat while waiting for her to pack

yoona finishes packing and leaves the classroom with anton while waiting for the rest to meet at their classroom

she is met with a smily sungchan holding his arms out waiting to pull her into a hug

she falls onto the boy as he wraps his arms around the girl

"finally omg, im so tired" she says as sungchan just watches her with sparkles in his eyes

she could feel her energy recharging as she rests in his warm embrace

its pretty obvious that the two are dating so their friends dont even bother to question it

karina and kazuha arrived with shotaro sohee wonbin seunghan and eunseok following behind them

"omg girl i think i lowkey ate this exam" kazuha said

"you sure the exam didn't eat you this time??" yoona says back

"guys can we just go to the amusement park, i dont wanna hear any of this crap" karina exclaims

"she definitely did ass this time" wonbin jokes earning a death glare from karina

"id kiss you so you would shut up" karina whispers to the boy but felt shy after realising what she said while the group teases the pair

"ooo karina you naughty" yoona jokes as the girl could only flip her off

the group walk to the amusement park since it was only 5 minutes away from school

sohee eunseok seunghan and anton walks in front while bickering around

cologne ; j.sungchanWhere stories live. Discover now