Chapter 2

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"Luca! Luca! Luca, wake up!" I hear Marjo's voice as I open my eyes thinking I overslept and missed the important meeting with Russo family but it looks like I was wrong. I woke up in a complete darkness in my room.
"What is it? What time is it?" I ask him still half asleep.
"Jake. The boy that was working for us and also spied on us at Pesci family escape from the basement . Some of our men are looking for him everywhere." Marjo says in a hurry tone.
Well now I was awake.
"How?! There were two or three bodyguards looking at him. How did he escape?" I ask him with anger as I tried to wear my clothes on that darkness.
"He electroshocked them." He says and we get out of my room.
Oh, shit. It's three in the morning. I have only slept 3 hours and I am already running.
We walked into the meeting room only to find just a few of all of my men.
"Where are the others? " I ask Marko who was typing on his laptop.
"They are looking for him." He says without taking his eyes off from the screen.
"I am trying to track him down." He says.
"How?" I ask curiously. " When we drugged him, I installed a little tracking device in the back of his head. With some luck, we will find him in an hour or earlier." He says proudly of him self.
I started to worry. Jake said that he just started to work for Pesci family and didn't had the chance to get the information to them because we caught him.
I didn't believe him so I put him in the basement. I was tired from the last night's party so I felt asleep.
"FOUND HIM!". Marko screamed from his chair getting me out of my thoughts as I go to take a look at the screen.
"He is at the airport trying to run away." I yell at the boys. "We need to go get him."
We all jumped in our cars and raced through New York's streets to the airport.
We get there and I see him at the door. I ran to him and grabbed him hard. He is a young weak boy which I haired because I felt bad for him. Now I know that I shouldn't do that.
Marko and James push him inside the car and put him asleep. We head back home and Marjo tied him tightly in a chair slapping him awake at the face. He opened his eyes. Poor boy. He is about to close them forever.
"Jake, Jake. You just made the biggest mistake of your life. Why did you run away? You were scared? Or you were about te give the information to Markus Pesci?" I ask in a threatening tone with the gun in my hand.
"No. I swear. I wasn't about to go to Markus.I got scared." He says terrified.
"Oh. Really? Where were you about to go then? At the orphanage you grow up at? Or at your mama's grave?" I ask smiling even why I getting pissed.
"What did you tell to Markus? What did he ask you to do? What was your job in here?". I ask in a low tone trying not to kill him without an answer.
"Nothing. I promise." He says scared for his life. The fear in his eyes makes me smile even more.
"Okay then. Let's start with the game."Marjo says with a smirk on his face taking a sharp knife in his hand and stabbed Jake in his thigh letting the blood spill all over the place like a fountain. He shut close his eyes and his piercing scream hit the soundproof wall of the basement. This basement is made for this job. When Jake is done screaming, tears roll down his face.
"What did you tell him? How much money did he gave to you to betray the family who saved you from that orphanage?" I ask him hating the fact that my mother has a very soft heart to get this piece of shit out of the orphanage.
"Nothing, I swear to my mother's ashes. He caught me in a alley a few days ago and threatened me that if I don't get him some information about you in five days he would kill me. I tried to get some fake info about you to give him but I couldn't find any. That's all. I promise. I didn't tell him anything." He cries hard for me to believe him but I don't eat this shit without proofs.
"You can check my phone if you don't believe me. He sends me threats me every second of the day." Jake says and I hand his phone to Marko to check on it.
After a few minutes, Marko hands me the phone and I read the messages. Markus has send him a lot of threats and Jake has told him that he found something suspicious about me.
I turn to Marjo and James and give him the sign to end him. They nod and I left. As I'm closing the basement's door I hear a Jake's scream and then a shot pierced through the room.
I smiled. One less problem to worry about.
I checked the time and it was 7 at the morning now. I had this important meeting with Russo family at 9 o'clock and I had slept only 3 hours. I go to my room and head to the shower. When I'm done, I where one of my best suit and head to the kitchen to get something to eat. My stomach has been growling since I woke up. The cook Marjo just haired was amazing. After the meal, I head to the meeting room to find the Russo family there. My family and Russo family has been good friends and business partners for years but they are so stressful to work with. After one hour of this stressful meeting with this stressful family, I get out of the room and let out a relief breath.
I head to the dining room for lunch only to find Marjo, Marko and my dad in there. He and mom live in Italy. What is he doing here?
"You just going to stand there and stear at me without greeting me first?". Dad says with a smile on his face. I walk towards him and side hug him.
"What are you doing here old man?" I ask happy to see him healthy.
"I came to see how my son is handling all of this and also for some business thing.You mother is upstairs getting the bags." He says in seriousness.
"What bisness?" I ask curiously.
"You know. To get some money back from some one who owns us a lot." He says still in the serious tone.
"When you say a lot, does this mean A LOT?" I ask him.
"About nine or ten million dollars. He is a doctor and about five years ago he asked us for money to invest in his own hospital. Alan has been trying to reach him but he doesn't seem to care a lot. I came to remind him with who he has to do with." He says a bit angry.
"Who is this doctor? Marko can find out where he lives and much more in a minute." I tell him and tell Marko to go get his laptop.
"His name is Tom Johnson and we know where he lives. We will pay him a little visit tomorrow evening. I'm to tired to go today." Dad says and then the door opens only to show my mother coming towards me.
"Oh. My king. Oh I have missed you so much." Mom says pulling me into a hug and I hug her back. "I missed you to mom."
"You haven't called me in a week now. I thought you were busy and didn't want to interrupt you."
She says with tears on her face.
" It's been busy this days,yes." I say and sit down on the chair for lunch as my mum hugs Marjo and Marko and then sits down to enjoy our lunch together after a few years .

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