CHAPTER -25- Royals in disguise

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Siya is going to the library when she hears something falling there.

When she goes in that direction and looks, she sees Aditi and Rajveer engrossed in each other.

Hearing the sound of someone's anklet, when both of them look back, they see Siya who is staring at them in a naughty manner.

Seeing Siya, they stand a little away from each other out of embarrassment.

Siya says dramatically with her eyes closed,

Siya:-Hey guys, go to your room and have fun, oh my virgin eyes .

Feeling embarrassed, Rajveer quickly leaves the place and Aditi goes to Siya and removes her hand from her eyes.

Aditi:-It feels like after so long I got my best friend back.

She said smiling.

Siya:-I am also happy to see you happy.

Aditi said looking down with regret,

Aditi:-Sorry, I didn't talk to you properly at that time and yes, you did this marriage for my happiness, right?

Siya lifts her chin and turns her face towards herself and says,

Siya:-That was our past, forget about it, and focus on your future.

Having said this, she smiles lightly and walks away, then Aditi stops her by holding her wrist and says,

Aditi:-Okay, leave that aside, let's talk about the present, has anything progressed in your relationship?

Confused with her words siya says,

Siya:- Hnn I didn't understand anything.

She says with a sigh,

Aditi:-Hey idiot, did you two become close?

Siya:-Ohh yes he put a sword on my neck and I dodged and defeated him with my skills.You know how smart I am.

She said while patting herself.

Aditi says dumbfounded,

Aditi:-I mean like romantically something happened between you two?

Siya makes a disgusted face and said

Siya :- Eww! Nope, he and I can't be romantic.He is self obsessed guy and anyways I have doubts about your brother and him.

Aditi:- Hnn what do you mean?

Then Siya points her out the window to look.

When both of them look outside, they see Ranveer sitting shirtless with his eyes closed and Siddarth caressing his shoulders gently.

Siya:-Your brother looks and acts more like his wife than me.

Aditi starts laughing after hearing such things from Siya.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Siddharth is massaging Ranveer's shoulder and says,

Siddharth:-I had already told you that if you do so much work and then do sword fighting, you will definitely get a sprain.

Ranveer says with his eyes closed,

Ranveer:-I didn't tell you to do so, you yourself said that you know how to massage, why are you taunting me now?

Siddharth gets offended and says,

Siddharth:-I am your army commander, not a massage therapist.

Ranveer:-Yes, you are right, I gave you this wrong responsibility.

Siddharth says proudly,

Sid:-Yeah that's right but it doesn't matter, I am an expert in massage too.

Ranveer says jokingly,

Ranveer:-Yes that's it, you should have made massage therapist not an army commander.

Sid:-Heyy don't say like that..

*At night

Ranveer, dressed in normal clothes, is preparing to leave the palace after disguising himself.

Just then a maid comes to him in a veil, carrying a small bundle in her hands.

Not recognizing her he asks politely,

Ranveer:-May I know, who are you ?

When the woman removes the veil, he finds Siya

He says in surprise,

Ranveer:-Oh why are you in this type of normal clothes and what are you holding in your hands?

She said holding the bundle tightly,

Siya:-You are going to tour the state, so that you can get an idea of the condition of the people there, so I thought how can I let you go alone.

He thinks for a while and says,

Ranveer:-You have been living in luxury since childhood and in such a situation, you will not be able to maintain a simple life. I am going on this tour because I am the king of this place and it is my duty to know about my people's problem.

Siya:-I can handle this and I will also go that's for sure.

He runs a hand through his hair in worry and says,

Ranveer:-There is also a risk to life if our enemies come to know that we are visiting the state. Still, would you like to come with me?

Then she said,

Siya:-I know how to fight with a sword and I can defend myself.

Then he said with a doubt,

Ranveer:-Did anyone pressure you to come with me, there is no need for you to accompany me without your consent.

She says confidently

Siya:-I want to go with you willingly, and anyway you fulfill the duty of being a king, I will fulfill the duty of being your wife.

Even though unknowingly, after hearing this from Siya, a small smile appears on his face.

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