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T'Rina Semara a 20 year old graduate of Starfleet Academy was living on Betazed, her parents were visiting her along with the Paris's, she was in her last month of pregnancy after her daughter's birth that was when the families started arguing over the names, "enough!" snapped T'Rina as quietly as she could making the families stop "my daughter's name is P'Tel Tessina Paris" she said "and she will be living with me, wherever I go, T'Pel goes, to stop arguments over godparents, Emerald is godmother" said T'Rina gesturing to Emerald Paris, Tom Paris's mother, Tom Paris was the father of T'Pel only he and T'Rina didn't know about T'Rina's pregnancy and Tom was in prison and didn't know about his daughter.

"The godfather?" asked Emerald "me" said Temas Semara reading his daughter's mind "Dad, what have I told you about looking into my head without my permission?" asked T'Rina, being a Vulcan and Betazoid, she was taught to hide her emotions by her mother and express them by her father, that's what made her parents marriage work they balanced each other out.

T'Rina got the pitch black eyes of a Betazoid and the pointy Vulcan ears, with both Vulcan and Betazoid's being telepaths T'Rina's telepathy is more powerful than anyone, T'Rina was also the only person in Federation history to be a Vulcan/Betazoid.

Her daughter T'Pel was a three way hybrid of a Human, Betazoid and Vulcan, T'Pel would have both Vulcan and Betazoid telepathy, she also had the black eyes and the pointy ears which also looked slightly human being pointy at the top, T'Pel would also have the Paris family blonde hair, the Paris family face shapes too and even without seeing her maternal or paternal sides of the family, it was pretty obvious that T'Pel would act like Tom, she already was acting like her father, she was sitting watching the families talk/argue.

Eventually T'Rina moved to Earth living in her childhood home for two years before being offered the job of Second Officer on the USS Phoenix which lasted for three years making her daughter five when her mother was selected for an undercover mission and offered a permanent transfer to the USS Voyager the undercover mission was on Maquis ship the Val Jean T'Rina made it clear her daughter was coming with her even against advice, like her mother T'Pel was taught to hide and express her emotions but told to make sure she didn't let emotions rule her, on the Val Jean there was a Vulcan called Tuvok who was Voyager's chief of security whom formed a friendship with T'Pel and even T'Rina.

Tuvok promised if anything happened to T'Rina he would look after T'Pel which he did while T'Rina was stuck with Harry and B'Elanna on the Ocampan homeworld. 

Second Officer of Voyager | A Star Trek: Voyager/Tom Paris fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now