Chapter 5-If You Break Up With Me-

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(18+) Advisory; Don't read it if you aren't comfortable <3

Valentino felt Vox's heated stare the whole way back, not to mention the pressure of his boyfriend's body against his own. He hadn't bothered wearing anything good in his rush out of the apartment hours earlier. The most he'd managed was a tight black corset like top with a deep, elegant brown skirt and thigh high black boots. 

As he stared out the window in hopes of a distraction from his tightening situation, Val felt a hand slide to the inner part of his thigh just above where his boots ended. He froze and felt his cheeks tint a deep shade of red as the hand moved farther toward his erection.

Suddenly Vox leaned in close enough for Valentino to feel his breath near his ear,

"I'm gonna help you with that when we get home Flutterby~" His voice deep and sultry, making Val's situation worsen by the second. 

The heat from his boyfriend's body heat forced against him and the intense looks from eyes...had his head reeling as he held back a moan. His eyes darted to Vox's and that practically undid him right there. 

Vox was staring at him hungrily, but underneath was the thing that had Val most attracted to him. That sheer love that coursed through his body, made especially for Valentino. Before he met Vox all of Val's fucks had been with hookers, whores under contract, or people who came onto him. 

"Vox..." Valentino's voice was weak, desperate almost, "If you don't stop looking at me like that I'm going to come undone here or leave. Whichever comes first. Stop for five minutes."

"Aw Val, I have no idea what you're talking about, but if you need help with anything you can just ask." Vox's voice was impossible to resist, and Val drifted closer.

He pressed his lips firmly on his boyfriends and felt that award winning smile spread across Vox's face as he did so. For five minutes they made out in the back of the limo, love bites already spreading down Val's neck, when the car jerked to a halt and the front door opened signaling for them to straighten up.

The doors were opened and they got out, walking swiftly toward the apartment building. Val couldn't recall them ever moving up the stairs so fast as they did then. The second the front door to the penthouse was closed, Val was smashed against the door, Vox kissing, nipping, and biting.

They turned walking backwards to the bedroom as they stripped, leaving articles of clothing strewn about the hallway in their wake. Their kisses were broken only momentarily when Val was thrown onto the bed and the bedroom door slammed shut. 

Vox was on top of him in seconds caressing and touching everywhere and everything he could. He stroked his way down Val's body finding all those sensitive spots he knew so well and destroying them. Val was in ecstasy below him, writhing in pleasure when Vox kissed him again but this time softer, more gentle.

"Are you ready Flutterby?" He stopped briefly, waiting for an answer.

Valentino nodded, his throat constricted.

"I need words baby."

Val looked up at him with wide eyes, his boyfriend staring down at him smugly. Okay, he may deserve this a little. He hauled himself up by grabbing Vox's shoulders. 

"Ngh-Fuck...Fuck me you asshole!" He practically shouted at Vox as his voice wavered and he fell back onto the pillow.

"Aw...there we go. Alright my love, I'll help you out."

Lifting Val up ever so slightly, Vox lined himself up, staring his moth dead in the eyes. He pushed in only a little, waiting for a reaction. And that he got. Valentino gasped, his grip on Vox's shoulders tightening ever so slightly. He nodded and Vox pushed in all the way, making his eyes roll back in his head. He cried out, the noise somewhere inbetween a moan and a scream. 

Soon he was screaming Vox's name over and over again as his boyfriend pulled out and thrust back in repeatedly. What felt like minutes were hours, time flying by, almost nonexistent. By three in the afternoon both overlords were exhausted, finishing soon after the large clock in the center of Pentagram City chimed loud and clear across nine circles of Hell.

Val and Vox collapsed together against the pillows panting and out of breath. Val wrapped his top arms around the back of Vox's chest and the second set around his waist, pulling his boyfriend close. He could feel Vox's screen pressed against him chest until he pulled back to at him. 

"We're not going back to work are we? I don't really want to anyway." Vox's voice came from the darkness of the room. Val hadn't realised in their frenzy, but he's never opened the curtains when he had gotten up earlier that day.

"I don't think I want to. I think we're going to both be very sick and not be able to go in tomorrow." Val echoed back pulling the sheets up around them.

"Is that so? Well, I suppose there's nothing we can do about that, is there? I'll call our work and let them know." Vox replied, a smirk evident in his voice.

"Later my love~. Cuddle now." The moth's seductive voice thrummed around the room sending a shiver up his spine and evidently lulling the other overlord into a calm.

"Ok...Yeah. I'll..." His answer was cut off by a yawn, "Call later..."

Vox nestled into the moth's chest, radiating heat. Valentino curled around his boyfriend as a feeling of bliss spread through his body.

"Never leave me Voxxy...I don't know what I'd do without you." His voice barely a whisper. 

Valentino didn't get attached, it wasn't his nature, but Vox had this strange effect on him. The TV overlord's presence was intoxicating to say the least. Val's heart felt full when he was around him, sometimes he just wanted to lie with Vox, calm and cuddling and unmoving.

His gripped on Vox tightened slightly as he lowered his head to rest on the TV screen. Warmth spread through him and he sank into a quiet and calm sleep.

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