Chapter 9-Paperwork

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Valentino pulled himself up from the soft pillow, yawning. Sunlight streamed in through the windows, tinted that glorious red that the demons and sinners had become accustomed to. Some even appreciated its hue.  

As he moved along the edge of the bed, Vox stirred next to him, and the brief whirring sound that always preceded his power-up began. Val's boyfriend blinked his eyes and looked around. Val slid down to his level and cupped his cheek to kiss him. 

Vox smiled into the kiss, pressing his forehead against Valentino's. 

"How do you feel Voxxy?" Val's smooth, gentle voice shattered the blissful silence and opened the doorway for conversation.

"I..I don't know. Exhausted, I couldn't sleep. But I'm not as sore as yesterday." Vox replied hesitantly.

"I'll see if I can find something to help you sleep tonight. But I'm glad you're feeling better Voxxy. You can rest today and we'll see how you feel."

"Ugh, Flutterby you know I can't sit around all day. I'll go crazy."

Valentino frowned but his resolve melted when Vox smiled at him.

"Alright. But, you're going to sit with me and help me, ahem...." Val muttered the rest of the sentence, his face flushing slightly and his antenna quivered.

"Help you...?" 

Val repeated his sentence but it was barely audible.

"Val I have no idea what you're saying. You need to speak up." Vox laughed but stopped when he felt that spark of pain. 

Valentino helped Vox sit up properly, making sure there was no extra pressure on Vox's mid-section.

"I uh. I need help reading..." Val said and tilted his head to the side in embarassement. 

Vox laughed in the most enchanting way. It was free and happy. He tumbled forward and into Val's arms, hugging him around his waist. 

"Of course I'll help you Val. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I let my blind moth read paperwork?" Vox said as he buried his screen in Val's front.

Valentino sighed contently and wrapped his upper set of arms around Vox.


Val strode into his office with Vox in tow, who was stepping gingerly. He flopped down in the large, cushiony chair behind his desk and observed his boyfriend who had stopped short a few feet away. 

"Hey Flutterby, can you help me grab a chair?" Vox asked hestitantly as the corner of his screen glitched.

Valentino narrowed his eyes ever so slightly and beckoned Vox with his finger.

"Voxxy just come here."

"Uh. Okay?" Vox moved gracefully around the desk corner, his coat tails swirling elegantly after him.

He stopped in front of Val who had spun his chair around to the side, leaving his lap pointing in Vox's direction. Valentino's two sets of arms shot forward, the bottom set grasping Vox's hips and the top gently grabbing his chest, and pulled the TV demon onto his lap.

Vox let out a surprised squeak as he registered what was happening. He situated himself on his boyfriend's lap, twisting ever so slightly and blushing furiously. Val nuzzled his face into the side of his neck and unconsiously began to make those little happy chirps.

For about an hour Vox dictated what the mountain of sheets said while Val signed or copied down anything necessary. The two successfully managed to finish off the inane amount of files and Vox sighed contentedly as he leaned back into Val's chest. Val moved his head down and inhaled the sweet, familiar smell of Vox, before leaning down and trailing feather-light kisses all the way down his neck.

A physical shiver ran up Vox's spine, Val could see it clearly. Leaning forward, Valentino kissed where the TV demon's cheek would've been. 

"I love you so, so much. I know you'll never believe me, and it's partially my fault because I don't have the words to explain it..." Val said softly and he kissed Vox's clawed hand.

Vox's face didn't blush as aggressively as it normally would've, instead his eyes flushed with and unbearable sadness and you could see the tears pricking the corner of his beautiful red eyes. He turned in Val's lap, throwing his arms around Valentino's neck tightly. Sobs wracked his body as he clung to the moth, who sat in disbelief. 

"Vox...what's wrong baby?" He asked as he wrapped his arms gently around Vox.

"N-nothing. I uh...they're happy tears." Vox laughed as the tears began to dry.

"Aw Voxxy." Valentino leaned down and kissed him sweetly and passionately.

Vox's breathing slowed a touch and he began to curl into Val's lap. Eyelids drooping and screen dimming, he relaxed as sleep overcame him, leaving him a warm, tired heap on Val. 

"I love you too Flutterby..." A smile adjoined the quiet sentence.

Val smiled back before standing with his sleeping boyfriend, and walked out the door, using an extra arm to flick off the lightswitch.

{Ok. So if that was weak it's because it's currently 12:18 and I am very tired. BUT I knew I needed to finish this for you, my lovelies. Hope you enjoy, kisses darlings <3}

Word Count: 824

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