Chapter 14 - Cheese and Crackers Anyone?

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I wake up in the morning when I want to wake up. It's a great feeling not having anyone to tell me to go to work. My priority is breakfast. My stomach grumbles as I whip the covers off my bed and plant my feet on the floor. I spot the snack bag on my desk. Right. I've got to get that to Hyla and Chuck today.

Showered, dressed and with my precious crackers and cheese, I make my way to the kitchen. I pour myself a coffee and bite into a muffin I found on the cooling rack. It's chocolate chip and the chocolate melts right in my mouth. After inhaling my breakfast, I dig through the fridge, looking for anything I can take to Hyla and Chuck.

After lifting the lids on a few containers, I find a half-roasted chicken, potatoes, Brussel sprouts and almost a whole cheesecake. I'm not tempted to try a piece of cake since I'm not a cheesecake fan but my friends will hopefully enjoy it. I carefully place the containers and my snack bag in two fabric sacks and walk down the hallway to the foyer. I'm glad no one is up. There are servants rushing around me but none of my family members seem to be out of bed yet. Although come to think of it, Elody must be at work.

I open the front door and peep outside, hoping a vehicle is parked on the driveway. That would mean a driver is nearby and could take me to the Org village. I squint in the bright sunlight. There are no black SUVs waiting to take me where I need to go.

Closing the door, a servant with a dustpan and broom walks up to me.

"Do you need anything, Miss?" she asks.

"A driver to take me to the Org village."

"I can see to that," the woman says. "I just need to put this stuff away."

"Great. I'll wait here," I say.

The woman nods and walks away.

I hear the door open with a swish behind me and turn around. It's Aliah dressed in a tennis skirt, a white athletic tank top and pink running shoes.

"Good morning," Aliah says pushing the door closed.

"Good morning." I say. "You must have been up early."

"Is 7:15 a.m. early?" Aliah says. "I was playing tennis with one of the GlobalGov officers. I think his name is Sung?"

"I know Sung," I say. "I did not know that he played tennis."

"We were talking yesterday and he told me that there's a large tennis court on the grounds here."

"Is there?"

Aliah laughs.

"Crinae keeps showing me up in the physically fit category," says my cousin. "I'm trying to up my game, pun intended. Where are you going?"

"To the Org Village."


"To hand out some food."

I hold up the large bags.

"Want company?" Aliah asks.

"I bet you have a busy day," I say. "It's going to be boring at the village."

"I haven't seen it yet and I'd like to.

"I'm sure you have better things to do," I say, shuffling my feet.

I don't want her to come with me. Why won't she get the hint?

"I don't have much to do today other than spend time with my mom," Aliah says.

"You have to change first then," I say. "If you're not here in five minutes, I'm leaving without you."

"I'll be right back."

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