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I stood before the female, chest heaving from my shift. Bending, I picked up my loincloth and covered myself. The fabric chafed my aching cock.

My body throbbing with need, the pain of my heat burning through every fibre of my being.

She shifted on her feet, priming herself to run.

"Be still, female," My voice was a deep rumble from disuse. "I will not harm you."

"Y-you won't?" Her words wavered, uncertainty and hope battling for dominance.

I nodded. Fuck. I hated that this small female thought I'd hurt her. But what could I expect? I was a monster.

The dim light flickered above us, casting shadows across the cramped, concrete space we were confined in. My cell had to be concrete– they knew I could tear through metal.

"Wha... What just happened?" Her sweet voice trembled.

Huh? My species, Lyculs, weren't that uncommon in the Intergalactic Alliance. In fact, we were well known for our two forms. Why was the small female confused?

I took her in. She was soft and defenceless with no claws or fangs. At first glance, I'd thought she was Rhodinian, but she had no wings. But I didn't know every single species in the Intergalactic Alliance.

"Y-you're a..." The word caught in her throat. "A werewolf."

I didn't know this wier-wulf word. Maybe her head wound was causing confusion. "No, I am a Lycul." I spoke slowly.

Without warning, I doubled over. The pain was like hot pokers piercing through my skin, searing every muscle and sending waves of agony that coursed through me like a river in flood.

"Are you okay?" she asked, her voice soft and delicate. She didn't understand my pain, couldn't see the torment tearing me apart from the inside out.

"Fine," I bit out, trying to keep my distance from her. It was difficult – her scent, a mix of lavender and something indescribably unique, filled the air and called to my very soul. When they'd lined up the women for me to choose from, it wasn't just her scent that drew me in. But it was her spirit, her fire, that made me choose her over all the others.

The heat in my veins intensified with each passing moment. I knew I couldn't hold back much longer, but I needed her to understand, to trust me before I could reveal the truth behind my pain.

"How do you not know my species?" I fought the ache. "What planet are you from?"

"My planet? Earth." She raised a brow. "I take it you're not from Earth either?"

"No..." I trailed off. What was this planet named after dirt? "Wait... you're not part of the Intergalactic Alliance?"

"I don't know what the Intergalactic Alliance is." She shrugged. "Earlier today, I didn't even know there was life beyond Earth."

Her words floored me. She was from an undiscovered planet?

"I'm a nurse. Or, at least, I was before... all of this." She gestured vaguely at our surroundings. There was a stark pain in her eyes as she thought of the life she'd left behind."I noticed that you're injured. I could take a look at your wounds?" she offered, warm brown eyes on me.

The walls around my heart start to crack under her gentle gaze. It was strange – this woman, so small and seemingly fragile, had managed to worm her way into my soul in such a short amount of time. I knew that I would do anything to protect her, even from myself.

"I heal quickly, but thank you." My voice was hoarse from how little I used it. "I'm a gladiator, that's where the wounds are from – the arena. They call me The Wolf." I looked away, not wanting to see the disgust I was sure I'd see on her face at learning what I did.

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