Better Alive Than Undead III

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Pov Third Person:

After giving them a day of rest for everything that had happened the day before. Our presenter called everyone back to the room.

One by one they began to walk through the door and sit in their respective places.

Although there were certainly two people that others would not want to be there.

- Tsukishiro: Hoho, it seems that we are not very well liked here, Shiba

- Shiba: It seems so, Tsukishiro-san 'I guess it's this or die, because we'll die if we come back without the Masterpiece'

The two friends chatted for a moment as the room filled up.

- Michael: Well, I think everyone is here

People paid attention to the words, waiting for what they were going to see today.

- Michael: Well, today we are going to continue seeing the world of zombies

His words generated doubts in some people, since they did not think they would see that world again.

- Ryuuen: Hey, which of the two worlds?

- Hashimoto: The one from King Zombie?

- Ike: Or in which they must survive?

- Michael: Better Live than Undead, my little guests

With that said, they already knew what world they were going to react to.

- Michael: Good. Without further questions, let the show begin.

The screen started playing the video.

Ayanokoji Kiyotaka's Point View

We walked for over 20 minutes after we finished up our preparations to fix the locks of the massive gate connecting our part of the island to the other.

Ryuuen: We really should've gotten a bike or something. Walking all the way from the dorms to the gate is a pain in the ass, especially with all this shit on us.

Ryuuen complained about the trip we have been forced to forgo with all the tools we required to repair the gate with.

- Kiyotaka: 'Now that I remember, they had said something about repairing the door'

- Ryuuen: 'Ohoho, finally zombie action again'

- Arisu: 'I had wanted to continue seeing this world, it seems that this chapter will be interesting'

- Hashimoto: 'I'm just going to ask not to die in this chapter'

- Manabu: 'Is this the world they told me about before?'

Hashimoto: Well, we could use bicycles.

Hashimoto pointed towards an area where students used to be able to rent bikes.

Ryuuen: We'd look like jokes. I'd rather develop blisters on my feet than be caught being a part of a group of cycalists.

Yeah, he's right... we would look ridiculous...

- Hashimoto: Seriously, that's what you're thinking at that moment?

- Ryuuen: I have an image to take care of, even in the apocalypse, Snek

- Kiyotaka: 'Besides, we could draw the attention of the zombies with them'

Manabu: It's also much riskier if we rode on bicycles.

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